In addition to a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) or a Development Application (DA), you may need other formal approvals for certain parts of your development, or works associated with your development. This can include new stormwater connections, driveway crossings or similar work. This kind of work requires Council approval to ensure it complies with the relevant standards.
We encourage you to seek any other approvals or permits before or at the same time you lodge your DA. This can help you to avoid delays or the need to make separate applications.
Use the NSW Planning Portal from 1 July 2021
From 1 July 2021, applications such as development applications and post-consent certificates must be lodged via the NSW Government’s Planning Portal. From 1 July 2021 the NSW Planning Portal is the only way you can lodge these applications.
NSW Planning Portal: frequently asked questions
Find answers to all of your questions about lodging certain planning applications online through the NSW Planning Portal:
Other works that require Council approval
Section 68
Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 covers many types of common works and activities that need Council’s approval, including:
- install a manufactured home, movable dwelling or associated structure on land
- carry out water supply work
- draw water from a Council water supply or a standpipe or sell water so drawn
- install, alter, disconnect or remove a meter connected to a service pipe
- carry out sewerage work
- carry out stormwater drainage work
- connect a private drain or sewer with a public drain or sewer under the control of Council or with a drain or sewer that connects with such a public drain or sewer
- operate a caravan park or camping ground
- operate a manufactured home estate
- install a domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance other than a portable appliance
- install or operate amusement devices.
These can be in addition to standard DA requirements and are referred to as ‘Section 68 approvals’.
You can seek approval from Council for a connection to Council’s sewerage or water network under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 as part of your DA or as a separate stand-alone application (eg, prior to a CDC). All of these applications can be lodged on the NSW Planning Portal.
Section 138
Council approval is required for any works proposed within the road reserve under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. This is to ensure public safety is maintained and that there is no liability or risk imposed on Council.
Works within the road reserve can include activities like:
- erecting a structure
- digging up or disturbing the surface of a public road
- constructing a driveway crossover
- removing or interfering with a structure
- any other activities as defined within the Roads Act 1993.
Just like Section 68 activities, you can make a Section 138 Application by itself or as part of a DA.
If you are applying as part of a DA you will need to provide information about the works you wish to undertake outlined in the DA checklist. Any conditions applicable to the works on the road will be included in the notice of determination for your DA:
Onsite Sewage Management System
On-site sewage management systems (OSSM) refer to any system that treats wastewater and disposes of the effluent within the premises. If you live in a house that is not connected to reticulated sewer, you will have an OSSM.
OSSM is regulated jointly by local councils and NSW Health, and must be approved by Council before installation. You must ensure your OSSM system is maintained and working well once installed.
If you would like to install a new OSSM on your property, or alter an existing system, you are required to gain approval from Council and submit an Application to Install/Alter and Operate an On-site Sewage Management System (refer to Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993).
Liquid Trade Waste
Liquid trade waste means all liquid waste, other than domestic sewage, produced by a business, industrial or commercial activity, that is discharged to the sewerage system. It excludes domestic waste from a hand wash basin, shower, bath or toilet.
Liquid trade waste may require pre-treatment prior to being discharged into the sewerage system, due to its concentration levels.
If you intend to carry out a business activity that generates and discharges liquid trade waste into Council’s sewerage system, you will need to complete a Liquid Trade Waste Application to obtain approval from Council under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. This applies to new and existing trade waste dischargers.
Standard Drawings for Rural Access

Rural Access Local Roads Plans
PDFStandard Drawings for Urban Access

Urban Access Local Roads Plans
PDFWe can help you
If you would like to discuss the details of your application or supporting documents you need to lodge, please contact Council’s Environment and Planning Department on:
- T: 02 48 301 000
- E:
- visit our Crookwell Environment and Planning Office Monday to Friday between 10am and 2pm.