Food Safety Supervisor
On 11 November 2009 The Food Amendment Bill was passed and amendments to the Food Act 2003 to introduce mandatory food handler training requirements for hospitality and retail businesses. The new food laws are in place to help protect NSW consumers from foodbourne illness. This legislation commenced on the 1 October 2010.
Certain hospitality and retail service businesses need to appoint at least one (1) trained Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) in their business.
This will apply to business like restaurants, cafes, takeaways, clubs, pubs, bakeries, supermarkets & greengrocer.
Businesses will have until 1 October 2011 to appoint a trained FSS and notify their local Council of who their Food Safety Supervisor is.
Training must be completed at a NSW Food Authority approved Register Training Organisation.
This is a significant change for the food industry and Council encourages all businesses to stay informed. Not having a trained food safety supervisor will constitute an offence under the Food Act 2003 after the 12 month lead in period expires.
For further information please go to the NSW Food Authority Website:
Food Safety in The Community
While there is only a small number of cases of food borne illness across Australia each year, and the financial implications for the broader community and the health care system is arguable, the typical causes are generally well understood and in most instances the personal inconvenience and illness are preventable.
Upper Lachlan Shire Council employs an Environmental Health & Building Surveyor who carries out a broad range of inspections from an educational and enforcement perspective.
The primary aim of these inspections is to ensure that food sold is safe to consume. Council officers conduct regular inspections to:
- ensure that food is being handled and produced hygienically and will be safe to eat
- minimise the potential risk for food poisoning
- ensure that business operators and food handlers have appropriate skills and knowledge in food safety and food hygiene
- inspect premises and assess the condition of the equipment and appliances
- assess personal hygiene practices
Consumer video from NSW Food Authority
The Truth About Food Poisoning
Food poisoning is messy. The NSW Food Authority has released a consumer video which shows the causes of food poisoning, symptoms, how to avoid it and the truth about carrots and vomit.
The video outlines the causes, symptoms and onset times of food poisoning, featuring:
- the risk of food poisoning from improperly prepared meals,
- food poisoning may not be caused by the last thing you ate, and
- a range of pathogens that cause food poisoning.
Truth about food poisoning(link is external)
The following is the link to the NSW Food Authority’s food poisoning webpage:
NSW Food Authority food poisoning webpage
Food Notification, Legislation, Standards and Codes
All food businesses are required under the new National Food Standards to notify the appropriate enforcement agency in their area of certain information associated with the operation of the business.
The main legislation is the Standards adopted under the provisions of the Food Regulation 2015, the Food Act 2003 and the Food Standards Code.