
Mayor Pam Kensit hosted a morning tea on Thursday 15 December for the nominees for the Upper Lachlan Shire Australia Day awards for Citizen of the Year, Junior Citizen of the Year, Sportsperson of the Year, Junior Sportsperson of the Year and Event of the year.
Twenty-six nominees, including individual and representatives of nominated groups, attended along with some friends, family and supporters with the achievements of each read out to the audience.
The Mayor emphasised that, irrespective of whether someone went on to win their actual category, it was a genuine honour to be nominated amongst such incredible community-minded people.
On hand to assist with the presentations were Councillors Pam Kensit, Mandy McDonald, John Searl and Lauren Woodbridge.
After the presentations, the nominees and their supporters enjoyed a morning tea with their supporters, the Councillors and members of Upper Lachlan Shire staff.
The awards will be presented at the Australia Day ceremonies in Gunning and Crookwell on 26 January. The Taralga Rodeo that has been held on Australia Day in other years will be held on Saturday 28 January and Sunday 29 January and at this stage there are no Australia Day activities planned for Taralga next year.