
Upper Lachlan Shire residents are being asked to return their bins to their property, after a number of recent bin thefts.
Director of Environment and Planning Alex Waldron said that bins that are left out for a few days or indeed, the duration between collections, appear to have been targeted.
“It’s not happening to a major degree, but it has impacted substantially on those who’ve had their bins taken including the costs incurred for a replacement,” she said.
“Council will attempt to find missing bins, but it’s a good preventative measure to secure them promptly.”
With the colder weather now upon us, Ms Waldron also reminds people not to dispose of heater ash in their bins. ”Heat can remain in ash for a long time and when placed in a bin or even worse ending up in the collection truck, can be disastrous,” she said.
Heater ash can be taken to Council’s Waste Facilities at no cost and be placed in the designated area (NOT IN THE BINS OR GREENWASTE STOCKPILES) or can be composted and used in the garden.