
The Halls of the Upper Lachlan
The Upper Lachlan Shire is blessed with numerous halls and performance spaces across its towns, villages and locations. Some have a long history with many tales to tell, while some have been built more recently. Some are in regular use, and some are used less often.
But in almost every case they are or have been the heart of their community. They are the places where you’ve attended celebrations for birthdays, anniversaries and engagements. They have hosted significant events such as Australia Day, Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. They have been the venue for plays, performances and school events, and have also hosted sombre occasions like wakes.
Historically, some precede the roads and vehicles we have today and were, outside of churches, the only appropriate places to gather. And many still serve those same roles today. Doing anything locally always feels better.
Upper Lachlan Shire Council is compiling a series of stories and profiles of the Halls and Performance spaces in the Shire, both those Council owns and controls, and those that are privately owned or managed as Crown Land.
Some are large, and some are dainty. Some are immaculately preserved and some need a bit of love and attention. We hope this series provides information about halls you may not even be aware of, and inspires even more usage for these wonderful buildings.
Breadalbane Hall helping to bring a community together
One of the most recent halls in the Upper Lachlan Shire is the Breadalbane Community Hall.
The Breadalbane Community Hall was built in 2010 and officially opened in 2011 but its origin dates back a few years earlier to a community meeting, an unplanned visit and an act of generosity.
In the early 200s, in the middle of the drought years, a community meeting was organised by Jenny Bell and held at the Breadalbane School regarding the need for a hall in Breadalbane.
As luck would have it, representatives of the Cullerin Wind Farm attended the meeting somewhat out of the blue and decided this was a project they would like to support.
A discussion followed regarding the type of hall that would best suit the community’s needs and it was decided to go with a conventional energy efficient hall.
The need for a hall and a commitment to build one were key elements, but acquiring land was essential for the success of the project. In 2006, local retired farmers Tony and Sue Morrison from the ‘South Raeburn’ property generously donated the land, which is now known as Chisholm Park after Tony’s ancestors from the famed Chisholm family, to the Community with the proposed hall and the land to be managed by a Section 355 Committee of Council.
The Hall was built with funding from Origin Energy, Veolia Mulwaree Trust, Upper Lachlan Shire Council and the Breadalbane community, and was officially opened on 15 October 2011.
In 2019/2020 a NSW grant applied for by Council in conjunction with more funding from Veolia Mulwaree Trust and $10,000 raised by the Committee, contributed to an enclosable pergola and other facilities added to the hall, greatly increasing its scope.
Today it is widely used by community groups such as Breadalbane Public School, Pony Club, Landcare, Yoga Classes, History Group, Toddler’s Playgroup, Garden Club and Book Club, and for events such as bush dances, craft days, high teas, dinners, wedding receptions to name a few.
Hall manager Vanessa Edwards said that the ability to host a wide variety of activities in Breadalbane has been a real boon for the village.
“I feel that having a local community hall has helped to bring our community together, she said.
“Things like Christmas where we get together, bring a plate and mix, and so many other events have really given us more of a sense of place.”
DIMENSIONS: The Hall’s internal dimensions are 24.6 metres x 6 metres inside, which is effectively doubled when combined with the outside terrace/pergola which has blinds and is waterproof.
SEATING: Internally it can accommodate 60-80 people seated, or 120 people if using the terrace.
AMENITIES: The Hall is equipped with a modern commercial kitchen, two stoves and two refrigerators and enough catering supplies for 120 people. It features male, female and disability access toilets.
- Friends of the hall can hire it for $200 plus a refundable cleaning fee of $150 (if you choose to clean it yourself).
- Corporate hire is available at $300 plus a refundable cleaning fee of $150.
- Weddings, the cost is $600 plus a refundable cleaning fee $150 (which includes the day before for setting up and the day after for cleaning).