There were no apologies.
Mayoral Minute
Council received and noted the activities attended by the Mayor in the period since the last Monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council. Additionally, the Mayor congratulated Emily Chalker on her selection in the Hockeyroos team for the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games, and read a statement and observed a minute’s silence to commemorate the passing of Kelvin Gay, a previous employee of the Works Department at Council.
Regional Community Strategic Plan
Mayor Stafford announced Regional Community Strategic Plan (CSP) development with community drop in sessions to be held on 7 July and 8 July 2021 with Projectura, and he directed members of the public to visit Council’s have your say website and welcomed community to complete the survey.
Presentations to Council
Gary Kadwell & Jeanette Brooks: Crookwell Taralga Aged Care (CTAC) board member Gary Kadwell & General Manager Jeanette Brooks presented on aged care in the Shire and Viewhaven.
Councillor Paul Culhane: Rail Trail Committee Member Cr Paul Culhane presented on the Rail Trail and advised the community they could view the presentation at the below link or on Council’s website.
Information only reports
Council received and noted the following information
- Development Statistics for the month of May 2021
- Monthly Weeds Activity Report
- Investments for the Month of May 2021
- Bank Balance and Reconciliation – May 2021
- Rates and Charges Outstanding for the Month of May 2021
- New Borrowings in 2020/2021
- Federal Government Budget 2021/2022 Update
- Grants Report
- Action Summary – Council Decisions
Proposed road name in subdivision – Holborow Road Crookwell
Council adopted the name Leonard Place for newly formed cul-de-sac created by a new 9 lot subdivision in Holborow Street Crookwell.
Strategic Planning Update
Council noted the status of strategic planning within the Shire and a Councillor workshop will be held.
Rye Park Wind Farm Modifications
Council agreed to a change in the voluntary planning agreement from a payment of $2500 per turbine to an annualised sum of $40,000 total, plus CPI annualised increase.
Review of Asset Management Policy
Council adopted the reviewed Asset Management Policy
Integrated Planning and Reporting – Adoption of 2021/2022 Council Plans
Council adopted the following Strategic Plans that incorporate the Fees and Charges and the Revenue Policy:
- Operational Plan 2021/2022
- Delivery Program 2021/2022 – 2024/2025
- Long Term Financial Plan 2021-2030
- Infrastructure Plan 2021-2030; and
- Workforce Plan 2021/2022 – 2024/2025
Mayoral and Councillor’s Remuneration
Council noted the determination of annual fees by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal for Councillors and Mayors and resolves to set a Rural category fee structure for the period 2021/2022 being: Councillors Annual Fee of $12,400; and a Mayoral Fee of $27,060.
Review of Recruitment and Selection Policy
Council adopted the reviewed Recruitment and Selection Policy.
Council Office – revised staff locations
Council received and noted the report, and approved the transfer of $100,000 from the Building and Infrastructure Improvements internally restricted cash reserve to procure a demountable office for utilisation by Council for temporary staff working accommodation in Crookwell.
Notice of Motion – Reids Flat Road
Council resolved to seek an updated costing for the sealed “capping” of Boiler Hill on Reids Flat Road.
Staffing Matters
Council resolved to extend the General Manager’s contract by a further 2 years.
Crookwell Aerodrome Development Proposal
Council approved the lease of Crookwell Aerodrome for a 25 year lease period to Advanced Aero Components Pty Ltd (AAC) who will carry out all works for managing the airfield. Council further resolved to construct a sealed access road from Kialla Road to the main manufacturing hanger site and renew the main gates. AAC will pay a lease fee of $15,000 per annum for the first five years with the lease fee to be reviewed and incrementally increased as business expands. Council agreed to waive the lease fee for the first year.