There were no apologies. Clr Mandy McDonald participated via video conference.
Mayoral Minute
Council received and noted the activities attended by the Mayor in the period since the last Monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Councillor Nathan McDonald affirmation – newly elected in February 2022
Mayor Kensit invited Councillor Nathan McDonald to take his affirmation in front of the public, it was noted Clr N McDonald had already taken this oath in front of the General Manager prior to this meeting.
Presentation to Council/Public
A presentation was made by John Anderson and Ruth Aveyard on behalf of Upper Lachlan Landcare.
Reports received and noted by Council
- Development Statistics Report
- Investments for the month of February 2022
- Bank Balance and Reconciliation – February 2022
- Rates and Charges Outstanding for the month of February 2022
- Action Summary – Council Decisions
- Grants Report
Local Environmental Plan changes to include Agritourism and optional clauses
Council resolved to advise the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment that it would like to `opt-in’ to optional clause 5.23 Farm Stay Accommodation and clause 5.24 Farm Gate Premises of the draft Standard Instrument (Local Environment Plans) Amendment (Agritourism) Order 2021.
Council resolved that the term “Farm Stay” be expanded under the `permitted with consent’ section of the following land use tables to Council’s LEP in the RU5 Village, R5 Large Lot Residential zone, C2 Environmental Conservation zone (previously known as E2) and C3 Environmental Management zone (previously known as E3).
Council also resolved that the term “agritourism” be listed under the ‘permitted with consent’ section of the following land use tables to Council’s LEP: RU1 Primary Production zone; RU2 Rural Landscape zone; RU4 Transitions zone; RU5 Village; RU6 Transitional; R5 Large Lot Residential zone; C2 Environmental Conservation zone (previously known as E2); C3 Environmental Management zone (previously known as E3).
Planning Proposal Laggan Lane Estate 297 Peelwood Road Laggan
Council resolved to submit the planning proposal for a Gateway Determination to amend the Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2010 by Changing the Zone and Minimum Lot Size Provisions of Lot 2 DP 1233492 and Lot 1 DP 239858 from RU2 Rural Landscape to RU4 Rural Smallholding in part and to RU5 Village in part.
Council resolved to request the Department of Planning Industry and Environment to authorise Council to exercise delegation of plan-making functions in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Council delegated authority to the General Manager to undertake any required changes and resolved to notify the community of the proposed changes to the local environmental plan through appropriate processes at the time.
Allocation of funds for the procurement of a new garbage truck
Council allocated $450,000 from the Domestic Waste Management fund in the 2022/2023 Operational Plan for the purchase of one new garbage truck.
Works in Progress – Construction and Maintenance
Council received and noted the detailed report from Director of Infrastructure, Glenn Lacey.
Council Agenda Format and Committees Structure
Council adopted Schedule A as the Agenda for the business of the Ordinary Meetings of Council.
Council approved Schedule B and Schedule C (detailed in Minutes) for the committee structures, committee memberships and appointment of councillors and staff representations/delegates to committees in accordance with Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Council Section 355 Crookwell Potato Festival Committee was disbanded effective immediately following resignations of committee.
Review of Social Media Policy
Council adopted the new Social Media Policy.
Reports from Committees for the Month of March 2022
- Breadalbane Hall Committee – Minutes from Meeting held 6 February 2022.
Notice of Motion – MAAC
Council resolved to investigate the possible warming of the 25 metres outdoor pool at the MAAC, to extend the swimming season for patrons.
Questions with Notice – Dog Pound Facilities
A report will be prepared for a future Council meeting as this matter will require expenditure of funds on works and may need to be included in a future Operational Plan.
Proposed Crown Road (Jarvis Street, Binda) transfer to a Council Public Road
Council approved the transfer of the unformed Jarvis Street Crown Road land parcel (100m length), Binda to a Council Public Road. The applicant is to meet the full cost of constructing the property access in the Public Road and all future maintenance costs.
Procurement of three bridges – Cooksvale Road, Julong Road and Blue Hill Road.
Council approved the purchase of the three bridge components for the sum of $980,870.00 including GST from InQuik Pty Ltd.
Council approved that Council staff will negotiate the best possible terms for the deposit to commence manufacturing at less than 50% of the purchase price, with staged payments thereafter.
Council approved that Council staff will negotiate with the funding bodies using their best efforts to bring forward sufficient drawdowns to cover the staged payments under this contract to manage Council’s cash flow with respect to this project.
Purchase Land at Halls Road, Taralga
Council approved transfer of $32,000 from the sewer reserves for the purchase of a 1731m² piece of land at Lot 2, DP1135371, Halls Road, Taralga.
The Meeting closed at 15:56 PM. Next meeting to be held on 21 April, 2022.
* In recognition and support of the people of Ukraine, Councillors and senior staff of the Upper Lachlan Shire Council wore blue and yellow clothes or a blue and yellow ribbon at the March Ordinary Meeting of Council on 17 March, 2022.