
Councillor James Wheelwright was unable to attend and submitted an apology.
Recognition for departing Councillors McCormack and Wheelwright
Mayor Cr John Stafford thanked Councillors Brian McCormack and James Wheelwright for their combined 56 years of service to the Crookwell Shire and Upper Lachlan Shire Councils which Cr Stafford summarised in his comments. Cr James Wheelwright (in absentia) and Cr McCormack also received Local Government NSW Outstanding Service medals for 22 years and 34 years of service respectively as Councillors on the Crookwell Shire Council then Upper Lachlan Shire Council. Councillor Wheelwright’s service included 9 years as deputy mayor, while Councillor McCormack was the first mayor of the amalgamated Upper Lachlan Shire Council and has previously been recognised with an Order of Australia (OAM).
Mayoral Minute
Council received and noted the activities attended by the Mayor in the period since the last Monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council, and the Mayor further spoke about the achievements of the outgoing council.
Local Heritage Places Grants
Council noted the content of the Local heritage Places Grants Report and endorsed the proposed allocation of the 2021/2022 Local Heritage Place Grant Fund to:
- Ms. Jeanette Power, Royal Hotel, DALTON ($7,000 for HA 2 and 3/2122)
- Ms. Lucy Stevens, Some Café, Murray Street, COLLECTOR ($4,000 for HA 1/2122)
Ms. Wilma, Eshcol, 24 Walsh’s Road, Dalton was placed on the reserve list for HA 4/2122 in the event that either application be unable to complete the project by the required date.
Letters of offer will be sent to the successful applicants and a letter of offer for reserve list and advice of future potential assistance will be sent to the unsuccessful applicant.
Infrastructure Department Update
The Director of Infrastructure tabled an updated summary of the Infrastructure Department for information only and addressed the Councillors.
Community Strategic Plan
Council received and endorsed the End of Term Report on implementation of the Tablelands Regional Community Strategic Plan 2016-2036 for the five year term of office.
Presentation of the 2020/2021 Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report
Council received and noted the NSW Audit Office external Independent Auditor’s Reports for the 2020/2021 Financial Statements.
Quarterly Budget Review Statements – 1st Quarter 2021/2022
Council endorses the 1st Quarter Budget Review Statements for 2021/2022 including revotes of income and expenditure to the Operational Plan. Council also endorsed the Operational Plan Performance Summary Report.
Multipurpose Aquatic and Activity Centre – Update
Council received and noted the General Manager’s update on the Multipurpose Aquatic and Activity Centre.
Reports from Committees for the Month of November 2021
- Collector Oval Committee – nomination for Mr John Gorman to join Committee (11 October 2021)
- Collector Oval Committee – nomination for Mr Dean Horne to join Committee (20 October 2021)
- Minutes – Biala Community Fund S355 Committee (25 October 2021)
Council resolved to write to Collector Oval S355 Committee advising them these nominations will need to be conducted at the AGM.