There were no apologies.
Mayoral Minute
Council received and noted the activities attended by the Mayor in the period since the last Monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council, and the Mayor further spoke about achievements of the outgoing council and challenges ahead for the incoming council.
Minute’s silence
A minute’s silence was observed on the passing of the Tourism Manager, Andrew Warren.
Presentations to Council
- Presentation from Peter Simpson of Crookwell Heritage Railway.
- Presentation from Andrea Strong from Bannister Group regarding Transgrid/Humelink project.
- Presentation from Mr Wayne Gooley and Mrs Louise Gooley via Zoom videolink as part of item 11.1 DA 44/2021 – Woodhouselee Laggan
- Presentation from Ms Kate Cartwright of Plan and Co via Zoom videolink as part of item 11.1 DA 44/2021 – Woodhouselee Laggan
- Presentation from Darren Hogan, Hogan Planning as part of item 11.2 DA 35/2021 – Tyrl Tyrl Road.
- Presentation from Louis Rizzolo by submitted video as part of item 11.2 DA 35/2021 – Tyrl Tyrl Road.
Animal Boarding and Training establishment for the purpose of breeding dogs – Lot DP 1150915 – 2548 Woodhouselee Road Laggan
Council approved the application, subject to conditions listed in Attachment 6.
Animal Boarding and Training establishment for the purpose of breeding dogs – Lot DP 1079302 – 371 Tyrl Tyrl Road Laggan
Council approved the application subject to detailed noise conditions of consent. Council delegated to the General Manager to approve all conditions of consent for DA 35/2021.
Planning Proposal 101 Golspie Road Taralga – Lot A DP 413644
The planning proposal was endorsed by Council and forwarded to the Minister for Planning for a Gazettal in accordance with the Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Council delegated to the General Manager authority to implement the decision.
Changes to a Gateway Application at Collector
- Council endorsed the proposed change in the minimum lot size of the RU4 Primary Production Small Lots zone from 2 ha to 1 ha.
- Council will request the proponents to submit a new planning proposal for consideration.
- Council delegated authority to the General Manager to Undertake Any Required Changes.
- Council will notify the community of the proposed changes to the Local Environmental Plan through appropriate processes at the time.
Planning Proposal Gunning Heights Estate 18 Boureong Drive, Gunning – Lot 4 DP 1198749
- Council will submit the planning proposal for a Gateway Determination to amend the Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2010 by changing the zone and minimum lot size provisions of Lot 4 DP 1198749 from RU4 Primary Production Small Lots zone to RU5 Village zone and to reduce the minimum lot size from 10ha to 1,000m2.
- Council will request the Department of Planning Industry and Environment to authorise Council to exercise delegation of plan making functions in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
- Council delegated authority to the General Manager to undertake any required changes.
- Council will notify the community of the proposed changes to the Local Environmental Plan through appropriate processes at the time.
LGNSW Opposition to Infrastructure Contributions Reform
Council resolved to call on the NSW Government to withdraw the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Infrastructure Contributions) Bill 2021 (the Bill) from the NSW Parliament. Council will call on the NSW Government to undertake further consultation with the Local Government on any proposed reforms to the infrastructure contributions system.
Referral for Audit – 2020/2021 Financial Statements
- Council resolved that the 2020/2021 Financial Statements be referred for independent audit by external auditors, NSW Audit Office;
- The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, General Manager and Chief Financial Officer to sign the Statement by Councillors and Management for the General Purpose and Special Purpose 2020/2021 Financial Statements;
- Council adopted the 2020/2021 Financial Statements for Council, containing the General Purpose and Special Purpose Financial Statements; and
- The General Manager be delegated the authority to authorise the Council 2020/2021 Financial Statements for issue immediately upon receipt of the Auditors Report and delegated the authority to finalise the date at which the Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements are presented to the public.
- Council fixed the date for presentation of the 2020/2021 Financial Statements to the public as 18 November 2021.
Presentation of the 2020/2021 Annual Report
Council resolved to adopt the Upper Lachlan Shire Council Annual Report for 2020/2021 in accordance with Section 428, of the Local Government Act 1993, Part 9, Division 7, of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and other applicable legislation. Council to notify the Office of Local Government by providing a URL link to Council website.
Privacy Management Plan and Privacy Plan
Council adopted the reviewed Privacy Management Plan and the reviewed Privacy Plan.
Cash Handling Policy
Council adopted the reviewed Cash Handling Policy.
Application for Waiver of multiple Rural Waste Charges
Council resolved to waive multiple Rural Waste Charges totalling $884.40 in accordance with Section 610E of the Local Government Act 1993.
Reports from Committees for the Month of October 2021
- Gunning Arts Festival: Minutes from meeting held 25 July 2021
- Gunning Arts Festival: Minutes from meeting held 8 August 2021
Notice of Motion – Cr O’Brien – Vehicle activated sign
Council resolved to purchase a portable vehicle activated sign system and will allocate $5,000 funding from the Operational Plan plant replacement budget to fund the purchase.
Procurement of one new Truck and Dog Combination
Council resolved to purchase one new Truck and Dog Trailer combination for the sum of $359,090.91 (ex GST) from Hartwigs Queanbeyan, and to sell existing Truck and Dog Trailer Combination (Plant 586 and 670) through auction providing best value for money.
Design quotation for Cooksvale Road Bridge, Blue Hill Bridge and Julong Road Bridge
Council approved the engagement of Pitt & Sherry Pty Ltd for ther design quotation of Cooksvale Road Bridge, Blue Hill Road Bridge and Julong Road Bridge and all sealed approach roads to the value of $275,586.05 (ex GST).