
An apology was received by Ms Alex Waldron, Chief Executive Officer.
Mayoral Minute
Council received and noted the activities attended by the Mayor in the period since the last Monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council. Council also received and noted the statement read out to the meeting by Mayor Pam Kensit regarding the achievements of Terry Knight on his 50 years of service to Council, as recognised in NSW Parliament by Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman.
Reports received and noted
- Development Statistics Report
- Biosecurity Report
- Investments for the month of July 2023
- Bank Balance and Reconciliation – July 2023
- Rates and Charges Outstanding for the month of July 2023
- Library Services 4th Quarter Report 2022/2023
- Grants Report
- Action Summary – Council Decisions
Upper Lachlan Shire – Update of Planning Proposals
Council received and noted the report as information.
Council contribution for Flood Warning Systems
Council resolved to allocate $50,000 from unrestricted cash reserves as a co-funding contribution required for a grant application for the Flood Warning System under the 2023-2024 Floodplain Management Program. The total project cost in the grant application is $250,000.
2022/2023 revotes to carry forward to Internal Restricted Reserve
Council approves the 2022/2023 transfers to the Council internal restricted reserve fund totalling $6,134,968 including revote of uncompleted expenditure projects and internal reserve fund movements.
Disclosure of Interest returns by Councillors under the Code of Conduct
Council notes the tabling of the Disclosure of Interests Returns by Councillors and receives the report as information.
Reports from Committees for the month of July 2023
- Stonequarry Cemetery Committee – Minutes from Annual General Meeting held 27 May 2023.
- Council accepted the Stonequarry Cemetery office bearers President Brian Moloney, Secretary Maureen Long and Treasurer Tim Dowsley voted in as per the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 27 May 2023.
Tender for Gunning Swimming Pool Amenities Block
Council declined to accept all tenders received and discontinued with the tender process with respect to the construction of the Gunning Pool Amenities Block.
Council delegate authority to Acting Chief Executive Officer Andrew Croke to develop a negotiation strategy and enter into direct commercial negotiations with the preferred tenderer, Greenwich Build Pty Ltd, for refurbishment and construction of the Gunning Pool Amenities Block.
In the event direct negotiations are not successfully concluded and a contract is not agreed to, Council authorised Acting Chief Executive Officer Andrew Croke to retender the Gunning Pool Amenities Block project in the near future.
The Meeting closed at 2:14 PM. Next meeting to be held on 21 September, 2023.