
An apology was received from Cr D O’Brien.
Mayoral Minute
Council received and noted the activities attended by the Mayor in the period since the last Monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Recognition of members of Gunning Fish River Rural Fire Brigade
Mayor Kensit congratulated the members of the Gunning Fish River Rural Fire Brigade
who this month were acknowledged in the St Florian’s Day awards at the ceremony
that took place NSW RFS training Academy.
The Commissioner’s Certificate of Commendation (Unit) was awarded in recognition of the efforts the members of the brigade made in attending and coordinating the response to a flooding event on October 7th 2022, that took place prior to the following major event that impacted the Main Street.
The following members individually named in the commendation:
- Captain Andrew Johnson
- Senior Deputy Captain Peter Johnson
- Deputy Captain Doug Fraser
- Deputy Captain Kyle Ireland
- Firefighter Kacey-Lee Ireland
- Firefighter Peter Sutherland
- Firefighter Sam Johnson
- Firefighter James Kenna
- Firefighter Danica Cole
- Firefighter Martin Stewart
- Firefighter Joel Bulger
Mayor Kensit also advised that Gunning Public School will be able to fund a sixth teacher for the remainder of 2023 after receiving government funding.
Actions regarding Emergency Services Levy
Council resolved to write to the Treasurer, the Minister for Emergency Services, the Minister for Local Government and local State Member Wendy Tuckerman:-
a. Expressing Council’s strong opposition to the NSW Government scrapping the Emergency Services Levy (ESL) subsidy for councils at a time after Council has publicly advertised its Operational Plan and annual budget to the community.
b. Noting that as a consequence of the unannounced 73% increase in the State Emergency Service budget and an 18% increase in the Fire and Rescue NSW budget, Council’s 3.70% rate increase to provide essential community services and infrastructure has been significantly eroded.
c. Advising that the Government’s decision may/will lead to a reduction in important local services and/or the cancellation of necessary infrastructure projects.
d. Calling on the NSW Government to take immediate action to:
- Restore the ESL subsidy in 2023/2024.
- Urgently introduce legislation to decouple the ESL from the rate peg to enable councils to recover the full cost.
- Develop a fairer, more transparent and financially sustainable method of funding critically important emergency services in consultation with local government.
Council resolved to write to the Chair of the and to LGNSW (IPART) advising that Council’s forced emergency services contribution is manifestly disproportionate to the 2023/24 rate cap, which has resulted in additional financial stress.
Council resolved to write to the President of LGNSW seeking the Association’s ongoing advocacy to bring about a relief in the burden of Councils’ emergency services contribution.
Reports received and noted
- Development Statistics Report
- Biosecurity Report
- Works in progress – Construction & Maintenance
- Investments for the month of April 2023
- Bank Balance and Reconciliation – April 2023
- Rates and Charges Outstanding for the month of April 2023
- Library Services 3rd Quarter Report 2022/2023
- Grants Report
- Action Summary – Council Decisions
Review of Liquid Trade Waste Policy
Council resolved to exhibit the Draft Liquid Trade Waste Policy (the Policy) for public exhibition and comment for 28 days; and Council resolved to consider a further report on the outcome of the exhibition and for adoption of the policy.
Reallocation of Streetscape Budget Allocation
Council resolved to reallocate $74,361.36 from the former streetscape funding allocation to enable the community master plans to proceed.
Quarterly Budget Review Statements – 3rd Quarter 2022/2023
Council endorsed the 3rd Quarter Budget Review Statements for 2022/2023 including revotes of income and expenditure to the Operational Plan; and also endorsed the Operational Plan Performance Summary Report.
Council resolved that the CEO will produce and present a full report based on the operational KPI’s from the Tourism and Promotion business unit that has occurred during the 2022/2023 financial year by July 2023 Council meeting.
Review of Volunteers Policy
Council adopted the Volunteers Policy.
North Street Stormwater Easement
Council delegated the CEO to allocate funds from developer contributions to negotiate and register easements for the existing and future stormwater discharges onto private property in the north Crookwell stormwater catchment. Council further delegated the CEO to allocate funds from developer contributions for the construction of a stormwater culvert at Gordon Park, Crookwell.
Late report – DA 164/2022 Centre based childcare review of Section 7.11 and Section 64 Contributions
Council provide in kind support to the proposed childcare facility, being constructed at Lot 2 DP1061458, Goulburn Street, Crookwell, NSW 2583 for community benefit that Section 64 contributions are not levied. As recognition for the community benefit, Council levy 20% (Estimated $25,000) under Section 7.11 as a contribution for Robertson Lane, Crookwell, NSW 2583.
Reports from Committees for the month of May 2023
- Breadalbane Hall Committee – Minutes from meeting held 19 April 2023.
- Crookwell Memorial Hall Committee – Minutes from Annual General Meeting held 8 September 2022.
- Crookwell Memorial Hall Committee – Minutes from meeting held 8 September 2022.
- Crookwell Memorial Hall Committee – Minutes from meeting held 1 December 2022.
- Crookwell Memorial Hall Committee – Minutes from meeting held 23 February 2023.
- Crookwell Memorial Hall Committee – Minutes from meeting held 27 April 2023.
- Crookwell & District Arts Council – Minutes from Annual General Meeting held 1 December 2022.
- Crookwell & District Arts Council – Minutes from meeting held 23 March 2023.
- Crookwell II Community Fund S355 Committee – Minutes from meeting held 8 May 2023.
Changes to Crookwell Memorial Hall Management S355 Committee
Council resolved to write to Crookwell Memorial Hall Management S355 Committee accepting the resignations of Brenda Proudman and Robert Huskinson and thank them for their efforts as part of the committee. Council further resolved to write to Crookwell Memorial Hall Management S355 Committee accepting the new committee Robert Bill (President), Margaret Wheelwright (Secretary), Wal Smart (Treasurer), Ray McCurley, Amanda McCurley, Jeanette Painter, Mandy McDonald (Clr Representative) and Susan McIlroy (Library).
Changes to Crookwell and District Arts S355 Committee
Council resolved to write to Crookwell and District Arts S355 Committee accepting the new committee Karen Harwood (Chairperson), Jane McCracken (Treasurer), Jeremy Goodman (Secretary), Caroline Greig (Publicity Officer/Website Manager), Cr Mandy McDonald (Clr Representative) and new members.
Crookwell II Wind Farm Community Grant
Council resolved to write to the successful applicants of the Crookwell II Wind Farm Community Grant.
Regional Youth Network Funding
Council resolved that the residual amount of $2152.83 from the Office of Regional Youth, Regional Youth Network funding for RUOK be transferred to Crookwell High Student Representative Committee for relevant future initiative.
Questions with Notice
The following three Questions with notice were answered in detail by the Chief Executive Officer in the business paper for the 18 May 2023 Council.
- Black Spot Road Funding
- Mobile Black Spot Funding
- Mayoral Discretionary Fund 2022
The Meeting closed at 4:06 PM. Next meeting to be held on 15 June, 2023.