
An apology was received from Cr D O’Brien.
Mayoral Minute
Council received and noted the activities attended by the Mayor in the period since the last Monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Meeting with RFS, SES and Bushfire Management Council
Council resolved to call a meeting with RFS, SES and Bushfire Management Council to discuss how to advocate on their behalf for better recruitment and support services.
Recognition of Councillor Culhane’s 15 years of service to Council

Councillor Culhane was presented with a special certificate of service signed by the Office of Local Government NSW for 15 years of Service as a Councillor.
Mayor Kensit described Councillor Culhane as an active advocate for local sport and the community and a voice for his constituents, and praised his hard work alongside his fellow Councillors and the staff of Council.
Recognition of soccer representative Lillian Skelly
Cr Culhane and Councillors wished Lillian Skelly all the best with her upcoming soccer representative commitments with under 17 Australia Matildas selection.
Recognition of Royal Easter Show achievements
Mayor Kensit offered congratulations to all those who received awards and were involved in the Royal Easter Show from across the Shire.
Reports received and noted
- Development Statistics Report
- Investments for the month of March 2023
- Bank Balance and Reconciliation – March 2023
- Rates and Charges Outstanding for the month of March 2023
- Grants Report
- Action Summary – Council Decisions
Council related Development Application Conflict of Interest Policy Review
Council endorsed the draft policy Council-related Development Application Conflict of Interest and will exhibit the draft policy for a minimum of 28 days in accordance with the provisions of Council’s Community Participation Plan.
A further report will be presented to Council if there are any substantial changes to the draft policy arising from the public exhibition. Where no substantial changes arise from the public exhibition, the draft policy be considered adopted and published to Council’s website and
Council will amend the Community Participation Plan to reflect the exhibition period for Council-related development applications, being 28 days.
Proposed road closure – Devil’s Elbow upgrade, Grabben Gullen Road
Council resolved to close two sections of public road of approximately 6991 m2 near Devil’s Elbow on Grabben Gullen Road, Merrill. Upon closure of the two sections of road, Council will transfer the closed roads to the adjoining owner as compensation for land acquired for road opening at this location on Grabben Gullen Road, Merrill.
Reallocation of plant replacement budget
Council resolved to replace one prime mover instead of the backhoe which is scheduled for replacement in the 2022/23 Operational Plan budget.
Integrated Planning and Reporting – adoption of Draft Plans for Public Exhibition
Council, in accordance Sections 403-406, of the Local Government Act 1993, and Sections 8A-8C, of the Local Government Act 1993, place on public exhibition the following suite of draft plans:-
- Operational Plan 2023/2024;
- Delivery Program 2023/2024 – 2026/2027;
Resource Strategy documents including:-
– Long Term Financial Plan 2023 – 2032;
– Infrastructure Plan 2023 – 2032;
– Workforce Plan 2023/2024 – 2026/2027.
The public exhibition period commences Friday, 21 April 2023 to Thursday, 25 May 2023 inclusive, with copies of each plan available for viewing at Council administration offices and
libraries, on Council’s website and a link is provided to Council’s Facebook Page.
Review of Corporate Credit Card Policy
Council adopted the reviewed Corporate Credit Card Policy.
Reports from Committees for the month of April 2023
- Southern Tablelands Arts – Delegate Report – Dec 2022 to Jan 2023
- Sports Section 355 Committee Minutes
Meeting regarding water leakage on Crookwell Memorial Oval
Council resolved that the Acting General Manager will co-ordinate a meeting with the President of the Crookwell Rugby Union Club and Coordinator of Parks and Gardens to facilitate an investigation into the constant water leakage at the north-east end (railway end) of the Crookwell Memorial Oval.
Tourism and Event Management Advisory Committee
Council established a Section 355 Tourism and Event Management Advisory Committee.
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Council established a new Section 355 Economic Development Advisory Committee.
Bridge over Curraweela Creek on Taralga Oberon Road Tender
Council resolved to discontinue the current tender process and to decline to accept all tenders received due to the lack of any commercially advantageous submissions. Council delegated to Council’s Acting General Manager the authority to enter into direct commercial negotiations with both Bridge and Marine Engineering and Saunders Civilbuild Pty Ltd with the intent to enter a contract with one supplier for construction of a new Bridge over Curaweela Creek as their alternative submissions are within budget and meets Council’s requirements.
Purchase of substation for MAAC
Council resolved to delegate to Council’s Acting General Manager authority to enter into direct commercial negotiations with Three Phase Services a division of KW360 (ABN 12 153 143 959) Supplier of Substation: Eleserve for the procurement of 500 KVA substation for the MAAC project. 2.
Subject to legal advice, Council’s Acting General Manager was delegated authority to enter into a contract with Three Phase Services a division of KW360 (ABN 12 153 143 959) Supplier of Substation: Eleserve for the procurement of 500 KVA substation for the MAAC project.
The Meeting closed at 3:34 PM. Next meeting to be held on 18 May, 2023.