
An apology was received by Clr J Marshall and Mr S Arkinstall (Director of Environment & Planning).
Mayoral Minute
Council received and noted the activities attended by the Mayor in the period since the last Monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council.
The Mayor read out a message of congratulations for Crookwell’s woman Caroline Morris on being awarded Apprentice of the Year, and a message of condolence on behalf of well-known member of the Collector community and former Upper Lachlan Citizen of the Year, Gary Poile for whom the meeting observed a minute’s silence.
Reports received and noted
- Development Statistics Report
- Investments for the month of August 2023
- Bank Balance and Reconciliation – August 2023
- Rates and Charges Outstanding for the month of August 2023
- Works In Progress – Construction & Maintenance
- Cultural Activity Grant 2022-2023
- Grants Report
- Action Summary – Council Decisions
Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor
For the mid-term election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Mayor Pam Kensit vacated the chair and CEO Alex Waldron acted as returning officer. There being no nominees for the positions apart from the existing Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Clr Pam Kensit and Clr Mandy McDonald were re-elected unopposed as Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively.
Amended Access Committee Charter
Council adopted the amended Upper Lachlan Shire Council Section 355 Access Committee Charter.
Referral for Audit – 2022/2023 Financial Statements
Council resolved that the 2022/2023 Financial Statements be referred for independent audit by external auditors, NSW Audit Office.
Council resolved that The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chief Executive Officer and Responsible Accounting Officer sign the Statement by Councillors and Management for the General Purpose and Special Purpose 2022/2023 Financial Statements.
Council adopted the 2022/2023 Financial Statements for Council, containing the General Purpose and Special Purpose Financial Statements.
The Chief Executive Officer was delegated the authority to authorise the Council 2022/2023 Financial Statements for issue immediately upon receipt of the Auditors Report and delegated the authority to finalise the date at which the Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements are presented to the public.
Review of Gathering Information Policy
Council adopted the Gathering Information Policy.
Review of Code of Practice for Section 355 Committees
Council adopted the Code of Practice for Section 355 Committees.
Review of Section 355 Committee Policy
Council adopted the Section 355 Committee Policy.
Setting of Council Meetings Times and Frequency
Ordinary Council Meetings are to be held on the third Thursday of the month (with the exception of January 2024 and December 2023) at Crookwell Council Chambers and webcast as per the schedule of meeting times and dates specified in Council’s Business paper / Agenda.
Council Agenda Format and Committees Structure
Council adopted Schedule A (details in Council Business Paper / Agenda) as the Agenda for the business of the Ordinary Council Meetings.
Council approved Schedule B and Schedule C (details in Council Business Paper / Agenda) for the committee structures, committee memberships and appointment of Councillors and staff representations/delegates to committees in accordance with Section 355, of the Local Government Act 1993.
Reports from Committees for the month of August 2023
- Gunning Arts Festival Committee – Minutes from meeting held 28 May 2023.
- Gunning Arts Festival Committee – Minutes from meeting held July 2023.
- Gunning Arts Festival Committee – Minutes from meeting held 30 July 2023.
- Crookwell & District Art Gallery – Minutes from meeting held 27 July 2023.
- Upper Lachlan Access Committee – Minutes from meeting held 30 August 2023.
- Upper Lachlan Traffic Committee – Minutes from meeting held 7 September 2023.
- Crookwell Memorial Hall Committee – Minutes from Annual
- Council accepted the Crookwell Memorial Hall Committee office bearers Robert Bill President, Margaret Wheelwright Secretary and Wal Smart Treasurer.
- Crookwell Memorial Hall Committee – Minutes from meeting held 31 August 2023.
Notice of Motion – Shortcomings in Sports Facilities across the Upper Lachlan Shire
Council determined that the Chief Executive Officer will commission a review of shortcomings in sports facilities for women across the Upper Lachlan Shire and report back to Upper Lachlan Shire Council.
Additional Slope Stability Works on Wombeyan Caves Road
Council awarded a commercially acceptable contract to Specialised Site Services for the additional slope stability works on Wombeyan Caves Road, pursuant to Section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, for a lump sum of $1,827,051.80 (excluding GST).
Council stated reasons for the decision of extenuating circumstances to allow proceeding with a contract with Specialised Site Services are as follows:-
- These additional landslides occurred during a period that is formally declared as a natural disaster;
- There exists a significant risk of subsequent landslides if remediation efforts are not promptly undertaken;
- If the works are not undertaken in the near future Wombeyan Caves Road will remain closed to the public for extended periods;
- There is a substantial likelihood of escalating costs due to inflation if the additional landslide repairs are not promptly addressed;
- Having two contractors simultaneously undertaking works on Wombeyan Caves Road presents an unacceptably high WHS and operational risks;
- Based on the lack of responses to the initial procurement for the works, last year, Council conclude that obtaining more competitive or reliable tenders is unlikely (especially in the known time constraints).
Council noted the cost of the works are funded by the Australian Government under the AGRN 1034 – NSW Floods, September 2022 declaration.
Procurement of one new Loader
Council postponed the replacement of the Nissan UD Flocon Truck (Plant 888) and the Plant Trailer (Plant 582), which were initially budgeted for replacement in the 2023/2024 Operational Plan.
Council resolved to dispose of the existing front-end loader (Plant 672) to Highway Tractor Spares.
Council resolved to purchase a new front-end loader in this financial year in accordance with Council’s Procurement Policy, at an estimated cost of $370,000.
Economic Development Advisory S355 Committee – Expression of Interest for Community Representatives
Council appointed four Community Representatives to serve on the Section 355 Economic Development Advisory Committee: Josh Proudman, Cristy O’Sullivan, Doug McIntyre and Robert Cameron. The Economic Development Advisory Committee Charter will be amended to reflect the committee membership changes.
Tourism and Event Management Advisory S355 Committee – Expression of Interest for Community Representatives
Council appointed three Community Representatives to serve on the Section 355 Tourism and Event Management Advisory Committee of Council: Peter Fulton, Samuel Hansen and Stuart Duke.