
Upper Lachlan Shire Council staff member Charli Croker has been awarded the Woman in Non-Traditional Trade Apprentice / Trainee of the Year award from Hunter Valley Training Company (HVTC), the training organisation that supervised her apprenticeship.
Charli, who can operate a backhoe, excavator and grader, said she was humbled by the award and said that she had just tried her best, both in her traineeship and the job. She said that she loved her job and recommended other women and girls apply for this sort of work, especially if they like working outdoors.
“It’s a good job, and Council has been very good to work for,” she said.
“If you need something they’ll do their best to get it for you. The last year has been really busy but I work in a great team and we like getting the work done.”
Charlie completed her three-year apprenticeship in Civil Construction earlier this year, and applied for an advertised position driving a roller operator in the Construction Gang within Council and was successful.
In October 2022 she was awarded the HVTC trainee of the month in October 2022 for exceptional application to her training.
Gay Donnelly, who submitted the nomination for the monthly award, described Charli as a standout apprentice who performed above the expected level and went above and beyond her requirements.
“I do not take these nominations lightly and only nominate stand out trainees and apprentices for these awards,” Ms Donnelly said.
“Charli was always right on top of her game with her studies, took all feedback on very well and always showed dedication to her role and a strong will to succeed.
“Charli is a driven and motivated worker, always asking for feedback and advice from her colleagues.”

Subsequent to Charli being named Trainee of the Month, Ms Donnelly submitted Charli for the company’s annual award for which she was successful.
Along with that submission, Council’s CEO Alex Waldron submitted a supporting document that described Charli as a role model to women who work, or might want to work in the sector.
“Throughout her traineeship Charli’s passion for civil construction and continuous learning led her to undertake additional training and development opportunities,” Ms Waldron said.
“Charli’s commitment to her own personal development in addition to the scope of the Traineeship, has provided her the edge and she has now secured an ongoing role with Council.
“She has acted as a role model for women in the sector, when she recently was a spokesperson for the Traineeship program at a local school, demonstrating leadership by sharing her experiences.
“Charli’s advocacy is a tribute to her and her achievements are a great benefit for the industry. Her commitment to her studies has been present over the course of her traineeship with HVTC recently awarding Charli, ‘Trainee of the Month’ for exceptional application to her training.”
Charli thanked her supervisors at Council and trainer Gay Donnelly for their assistance with her training and at work, and for their help in her receiving this award.
Charli thanked her supervisors at Council and trainer Gay Donnelly for their assistance with her training and at work, and for their help in her receiving this award.