
Are you (or are your kids) aged between 5-24 and want to find out a bit more about a sport you might like to play?
Then lock in the Upper Lachlan Shire Multi-Sport “Come and Try” Day on Saturday 8 October 2022.
The day will feature an array of sports including hockey, cricket, oz tag, rugby league, rugby union, soccer, golf, tennis, parkour and hip hop.
Sessions (grouped by age) will be held across the day led by experienced coaches from each of the represented sports and activities and highlights will include a performance and workshops (for children aged 10 years and up) by the Sydney King’s hype squad “Dauntless Movement Crew”, and the participation of sports stars including local legends Manly Sea Eagles best and fairest player for 2022 Lachlan Croker, former Hockeyroo Kellie Miller (nee White) and OzTag representatives Kayla Gann and Amy Spence.
Council General Manager Colleen Worthy described the event as perfect opportunity to have a close up look at sports you might be interested in.
“There will be top-notch experts from NSW and ACT state sporting organisations on hand for each activity assisted by local sports representatives to run sessions and activities that highlight each sport,” she said.
“They can answer any questions you have and direct you towards the appropriate development programs, people and resources if you want to follow things up.”
People interested can register using the QR code on the poster and the first 300 registration will get a free shirt!
Funded by Sport Australia, the NSW Government and the Upper Lachlan Shire Council, the event is aimed at improving junior sport representation in Regional NSW. Other aims of the Come and Try Day include encouraging greater visitation to the Upper Lachlan Shire, re-invigorating the local economy and providing opportunities for young people of the community to reconnect and celebrate though sport.
State sporting bodies supporting the day include Cricket NSW, Golf NSW, Hockey NSW, Football NSW, Canberra Regional Rugby League, ACT Oz Tag and ACT Brumbies Rugby.
Mrs Worthy said the event was aimed at increasing involvement in healthy activities as well as providing an event for the Spring school holidays.
“We had a lot of success with the Winter School Holiday Program in terms of engaging young people in the Shire,” she said.
“This event will also engage young people on the Come and Try Day, but will also promote involvement in ongoing sports activities beyond this event.”
The Multi-sport Come and Try Day will be staged at Lin Cooper Reserve and Jean Todkill Park with traffic management allowing easy access between the two.
Across the day there will also be heaps of prizes on offer as well as a coffee van and locally community run food stalls.
“A lot of work has gone into this event, and I would like to thank Grants Officer Renee Brownlee for leading it and bringing it together,” Mrs Worthy said.
“It’s a great opportunity to have a look at different sports, but above all it will be a fun, active day and I hope people take advantage of it and register as soon as they can.”