
Council is calling on all young people aged 12 – 25 years to let us know what kind of activities they would like to see during the upcoming July school holidays.
General Manager Colleen Worthy said the project is supported by funding Council has received from the NSW Government, earmarked for holiday activities.
“Council has received $3,300 from the Department of Communities and Justice for activities that encourage youth participation and inclusion, and this is in addition to the $7,000 received from the Youth Holiday Break program to run from 4 July to 17 July 2022,” she said.
“To that end, Council would really like to hear some suggestions from the youth of the Shire. It’s less than a month away which leaves a very short time frame to work in, so Council asks that suggestions be sent to grants@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au by close of business, Wednesday 15 June.”
The Holiday Break program objectives are to:
- Address geographical, financial and accessibility barriers that impact the ability of young people in regional NSW to enjoy recreational and social activities within their local communities,
- Provide funding for local councils and regional Not-for-profits to host fully subsidised recreational and social activities,
- Deliver a program of engaging, high-quality events during the NSW school holidays,
- Increase access to free, local recreational and social activities that are responsive to the needs and interests of children and young people, and
- Assist the Arts sector recover from the impacts of COVID-19 through creation of employment opportunities targeting arts sector employees.
Some suggested activities have included:
- Late Night Movie or Disco
- Arcade Games for a week in the library
- Graffiti or other workshops
But that’s just scratching the surface. If you have other ideas Council would love to hear them but please get them in before the 18 June deadline. Council will also be seeking volunteers to assist with the projects that are selected, and those volunteers will need a Working With Children check.
This project forms a part of Council’s increased focus on the Youth of the Shire.
At its April Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved to support and help restart Youth Council. Council is also applying for a grant to employee a part-time Youth Officer.