
Following the devastation and damage caused by the storm event that hit Gunning on Monday 31 October 2022, Upper Lachlan Shire Council has launched a Flood Appeal for those affected.
“There has been a lot of interest expressed to Council from across the Shire from members of the community who have been concerned and want to know how they can help those impacted by the Gunning flood,” said Council General Manager Colleen Worthy.
“In response to that, Council has launched an appeal. People wanting to make donations by cash, cheque or EFTPOS, can do so at either our Gunning or Crookwell Office. All funds raised will be distributed to support the people of Gunning whose properties/business/homes were directly impacted by the floods.”
For more information please contact Council on council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au or 02 4830 1000.