
Upper Lachlan Shire Council staff and Mayor Pam Kensit will be putting on their best walking shoes and joggers again over September to participate in Steptember.
Steptember is the major fund-raising event for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance each year, and requires participants to walk 10,000 steps a day, and to raise money through sponsorships while doing it.
General Manager Colleen Worthy said she was very pleased to see the ongoing involvement of Council staff in this cause.
“We are blessed with so many staff members who are active in so many events, causes and activities in the Shire so I’m not surprised by the commitment to this cause,” she said.
“This is Council’s third year of involvement and we are hoping to involve more participants, walk more steps and raise more money than we have previously.
“Obviously there are a lot of very worthy charities competing for our time and assistance and you can’t support them all, but this one has caught on at Council and the participants will be stepping it out again.”
In 2020, 11 staff members participated, walked a combined 2,366,269 steps (approx. 1,800km) and raised $1008.
In 2021, 21 staff members participated, walked a combined 4,051,689 steps (approx. 3,087 km) and raised $860.66.
“This year we have over 20 signed up so far, including the Mayor, and we’re hopeful of getting a few more,” Mrs Worthy said.
If anyone is interested in finding out more about Steptember and possibly setting up a team, they can follow this link:
If you are interested in sponsoring the ULSC team, you can follow this link below, or contact a participant to find out their personal link: