
You may not have noticed them, but if you’ve ever entered any Council building there may have been some artwork that caught your eye.
Over the years, Council has accumulated over 30 Australian artworks, some purchased and some donated, and they adorn Council offices, Council Chambers and other buildings across the Shire.
Council also has an established art gallery cared for and maintained by the Crookwell District Art Gallery s355 Committee, where over 40 art works are frequently on display and open to the public.
However, art works held in council offices have never been assembled in one place before. That will change on Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 October this year when Council’s collected artworks will be on show in the Hidden Gems exhibition at the Crookwell District Art Gallery in the Crookwell Memorial Hall.
Deputy Mayor, Clr Mandy McDonald, one of the exhibition’s organisers and curator of the exhibition, said that this was a great opportunity to give these works a bit more attention, and to give people the chance to see some of the works they may not have seen before.
“Chances are most residents of the Shire haven’t been to all of our offices or seen all of these works before,” she said.
“These paintings are predominantly by local artists and many display local scenes and landscapes. I think people will be amazed by the quality of the work but also by how they appear together in the context of an art exhibition.”
The Exhibition will take place across Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 October, from 10 am to 4pm each day. Entry is free.