
Upper Lachlan Shire Council has recently uploaded past copies of the Voice onto the Council website.
The Voice, a tabloid sized publication, was published quarterly and featured key Council information and columns and current events. It was replaced in 2021 by The Bulletin, containing the same information but coming out monthly and in A4 format.
Council CEO Alex Waldron said the back issues present a treasure trove of the life and times of the Shire over the last 17 years.
“These will be very helpful for researchers, for school projects, or for anyone who wants to take a walk down memory lane,” she said.
“For the more recent issues, we had pdfs and electronic copies of each edition to call upon, and for the older copies we had to scan print copies we had in storage.
“Sadly there’s still a handful of copies missing but we have the bulk of the issues, and hopefully some readers may have copies they will allow us to scan to complete the collection.”
Among the missing editions are the very first issue (January 2006), although issues 2-6 have been retained and uploaded.
Other missing issues include February 2016 and one issue each in 2010 and 2009.
“In some of the earlier years the number of issues per year and the publication months could vary, so there may be the odd extra issue we’re missing, but this is still a substantial historical record that we help will be of use for the community.”
Anyone with a copy of any missing issues who would be happy to let Council scan it should contact Council on council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au.
Archived editions of The Voice can be found here.