
Upper Lachlan Shire Council raised $416 for Cancer Council Australia in Biggest Morning Teas at Council’s Crookwell and Gunning Offices on Wednesday 24 May 2023.
Council CEP Alex Waldron said she was pleased the event was well attended and raised funds for the cause.
“It’s sad that pretty much all of have been affected either directly or indirectly by Cancer,” she said.
“These morning teas give all of us a chance to reflect on what we or our loved ones have been through, and continue ongoing research, prevention and support services.
“And the morning tea treats were pretty impressive as well.”
Ms Waldron said $157 of the money raised was raised at Gunning which was especially impressive given the much smaller staff number at that office.
Further Morning Teas are being run across the Shire and workplaces, community groups and friends are able to organize their own.
For more information about how you can host or join a Biggest Morning Tea event, please follow this link.
To speak to a health professional, the Cancer Council of NSW Information and Support line is a confidential telephone service open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Anyone can call 13 11 20, particularly people living with cancer, their families, carers and friends, the general public, workplaces and healthcare professionals.