
After a frantic couple of weeks for the organisers, the tremendously popular Upper Lachlan Shire July Winter School Holiday Program has come to an end.
Member of the organising group, Deputy Mayor Clr Mandy McDonald described the fortnight long program as a great experience for all involved.
“If you measure success in smiles, then this Holiday Program was an unqualified success,” she said.
“We had such strong turn out to our events and a lot of feedback from people wondering when we can do this again.”
One of the most popular events was the Arcade Games set up at Crookwell Art Gallery, with a continuous stream of kids of all ages coming and going across the five days of operation.
Dance Parties were also big hits with over 100 attending the one in Gunning and 80 in Crookwell.
Presentations of the movie “Spiderman: No Way Home” were also popular everywhere they were shown, with people attending in Gunning, nine in Dalton, 20 in Bigga and 40 in Crookwell.
“For the villages in our Shire, the opportunity to see a film in a theatrical setting rather than just watching a video at home is a very rare opportunity,” Clr McDonald said.
“There’s something special about seeing a film in a community setting and those who attended loved it.”
Clr McDonald said that the Art Workshops were also well attended along with the Musical Painting, Sword Symposium and Games Nights. Macrame Wall Hangings and Create a Dream Catcher events were cancelled due to COVID.
The Upper Lachlan Shire Council Winter Youth Program ran from 4 July until 17 July with events in Bigga, Collector, Crookwell, Dalton, Gunning and Taralga for youths aged between 12 and 24.
The Program of events, which was jointly funded and supported by NSW Youth Week, the NSW Government and the Upper Lachlan Shire Council, had been driven and organised by Grants Officer Renee Brownlee and Clr Mandy McDonald and helped by Clrs Jo Marshall, Nathan McDonald, John Searl and Lauren Woodbridge.
There are hopes for similar events in the future should funding be available.
“The aim was to have the greatest possible variety of events in as many villages as possible,” said Clr McDonald.
“We’ve learned a lot from running it, but it was very enjoyable and judging by the feedback, very worthwhile.”