
Do you have a ute?
And is it a beaut ute?
Of course it is… all utes are beaut. But is yours the ABSOLUTE beaut ute?
One good way to find out is to enter it into the Crookwell Country Weekend Absolute Beaut Ute competition.
There’s a $1,000 prize for the ute judged to be the best, but Council General Manager Colleen Worthy said all types of utes can be entered.
“Some utes are work horses that almost always have dogs and tools on the back,” she said.
“And some are polished up street machines with all mod cons. It doesn’t matter what sort of ute you have or how old it is, they can all be entered into the competition to be judged. Some ute owners might not even be interested in the competition side of things and might just want to show off their pride and joy to the world.”
Utes will be judged on the following 10 attributes:
- Body and paintwork
- Customisation and modification
- Unique flair
- Interior trim
- Under carriage
- Tub condition
- Presentation and shine
- Comfort
- Grunt
- How it all comes together
To assist judging, competitors may choose to provide a document labelled “Why my ute is beaut”, detailing how their ute addresses each criteria, but this is not compulsory.
The panel of judges will compare notes after making their individual assessments and will then declare the winner – the Absolute Beaut Ute of 2023.
Ms Worthy said that while the generous prize makes the competition attractive that part of the event is just to showcase this essential part of country life.
“For decades, utes have meant so much to regional Australians and particularly as part of farm life,” she said.
“And it’s not just owners who admire them. Many people that don’t own utes are big fans, so we hope a lot of people enter the competition and join in the display.”
Utes will need to assemble and be parked in their allocated spots in Spring Street between Goulburn Street and Robertson Street by 10am, before the Street Parade starts. Following the Street Parade, between 11.30am and 12.30pm, the utes will be judged. Should the number of applicants exceed the available space it may be necessary to cull the applicants on a last in, first out basis.
Applicants must read the conditions of entry and fill in an entry form (both below) and submit the entry by 20 February 2023.
Entries can be submitted the following ways:
- IN PERSON: 44 Spring Street, Crookwell
- BY MAIL: PO Box 42, Gunning NSW 2581
- BY EMAIL: events@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au
Cost of entry is $10 per ute and can be paid to:
Upper Lachlan Sire Council
BSB: 062530
Account No: 00000023
Reference: Ute + your name
Entrants must forward their remittance to: events@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au
Crookwell Country Weekend is an Upper Lachlan Shire Council initiative funded by the NSW Government’s Reconnecting Regional – Community Events Program.