
Remember the great street parades of yesteryear?
Maybe not. It HAS been a while. The last Crookwell Country Weekend Street Parade was held back in 2009.
Well they’re coming back!
As part of the Crookwell Country Weekend, the Street Parade will return at 10am on Saturday 18 March 2023, and what a parade it’s going to be, according to Street Parade Committee member Sandra Bill.
“We have a lot to celebrate in the parade, but this year we aim to lead off with something truly worth celebrating, our first responders,” she said.
“We haven’t contacted all of the groups yet, but we want to see the RFS, SES and all of the emergency services at the front of the parade where they can receive our thanks for everything they always do for us, especially the last few years.
“After that, we may have some of the performers who’ll be taking part in the Saturday night concert, and following them, a very special parade that showcases the very best of the community.”
Sandra said the Street Parade was a free event that would kick off the weekend’s activities, and emphasised that the most important thing was that the parade wasn’t boring.
“The whole weekend is about celebrating, particularly celebrating what’s great about life in the country,” she said.
“So we don’t want just a few people on the back of a flatbed truck waving at the crowd and going through the motions.
“We want floats that reach out and grab you, that are fun and creative and imaginative, that look great and bring joy to the crowd.”
Mrs Bill said the Street Parade committee would be contacting businesses, community groups and sporting groups in the coming weeks to drum up interest.
The Parade is a free event for the public but there will be an entry fee of $10 to enter a float and a $1,000 prize for best float (or best group for those using bikes, skates and Shanks’ pony).
“The details and application forms are online with a closing date of Monday 20 February,” Mrs Bell said.
“So put on your thinking caps and see if you can come up with something that really makes people say wow.”
Crookwell Country Weekend is an Upper Lachlan Shire Council initiative funded by the NSW Government’s Reconnecting Regional – Community Events Program.
Crookwell Country Weekend Street Parade 2023 – Application Form
Crookwell Country Weekend Street Parade 2023 – Terms and Conditions