Delayed by a year, the Gunning 200 weekend is all systems go


Member of the organising committee, John Shaw.

Like so many things, the Gunning 200 celebrations scheduled for 2021, were put on hold as a result of COVID regulations. But the celebrations are locked in for this year and will go ahead over the weekend of 4-6 March 2022.

John Shaw, a member of the organising committee, said it was disappointing the event couldn’t be held last year.

“Back in 2020 there was talk at the historical society about doing some sort of celebration in 2021,” he explained.

“Then COVID hit pretty hard during 2020, and it kept going, so it all got put into the too hard basket at that time.

“Then, in early 2021, the people involved said well we should do something, and we talked to the historical society and we all pretty much agreed we didn’t want to create a new organisation, and the historical society are very short staffed, so the Show Society took us under their umbrella as a sub-committee.”

From there, a committee of nine was formed with an original intention to hold the event on the long weekend of October 2021.

“Then COVID reared its ugly head even worse, so we canned that date and rescheduled for 5-6 March 2022.”

Included in the celebration will be the unveiling of the plaque that has been purchased for the event and a full schedule of other activities.

“We’ve asked the local members, Angus Taylor and Wendy Tuckerman, also Council’s general manager and the mayor, or the mayor’s representative, and we’ll do all of that at 2pm on Saturday 5 March,” Mr Shaw said.

The organising committee put out to the community an invitation to take part. Mr Shaw said some were able, and some had some concerns about COVID restrictions, but that there may be an opportunity to hold events later in the year as a rolling celebration.

Nonetheless there is already a packed schedule of events.

“It kicks off with a performance by the Acacia Quartet at the Courthouse on Friday 4 March at 7.30pm, organised by the Gunning Focus Group,” Mr Shaw said.

“Then on the Saturday the Library will be open from 10am-2.30pm leading into the 2pm unveiling and plaque dedication, and of course the library plays a pivotal role. Monies raised from the 1921 Centenary helped build the literary institute (current library) and the centenary plaque is installed at the library. Our bicentenary plaque will go underneath it.”

At 6.30pm on Saturday night, a Glitz and Glamour evening will be held at the Old Coach Stables, and then on the Sunday the Lions Markets are on from 9am to 2pm in the main street.

There will be an ecumenical service at the Anglican Church at 9am followed by a sausage sizzle and it is expected that the old gaol cells will be open for people to look through. 

“If that’s not enough, there’s more scheduled for the Sunday,” Mr Shaw said.

“At 1pm on Sunday there’s an exhibition at Bailey’s Garage depicting 200 years of road transport, featuring an 1821 horse drawn dray or carriage, a 1921 vintage car and a 2021 fully electric vehicle.”

“And at 2pm there’s an open mic event at the Court House run by the Gunning Focus Group. So there’s a lot on for the community and visitors to take part in.”

Mr Shaw also wanted to point out that this is only 200 years of European settlement, following thousands of years of First Nations history. He said that an acknowledgement will be included on the day.


Friday 4:

  • 7.30pm; Acacia Quartet, Court House, Gunning Focus Group

Saturday 5:

  • 10-2pm; Pye Cottage open, Historical Society
  • 10-2.30pm; Library open – display
  • 2pm; Plaque unveiling, Library
  • 6.30pm; Glitz & Glamour, Old Coach Stables, Show Society

Sunday 6:

  • 9-2pm; Lions’ Club markets, Court House
  • 9am; Ecumenical church service and sausage sizzle, Anglican Church
  • 10-2pm; gaol cells open, Historical Society
  • 1pm; 200 years of road transport, Baileys Garage, John & Michelle Storey
  • 2pm; Open mic event, Court House, Focus Group