
Upper Lachlan Shire Council (ULSC) is seeking Expressions of Interest from interested parties to put their name forward to join the ULSC Access Committee.
Council’s Access Committee currently has four (4) vacant positions that will be made up of a diverse range of residents / ratepayers within the Upper Lachlan Shire.
The committee will meet every three months to discuss accessibility issues across the Shire as well as encourage public consultation in initiatives designed to achieve the best outcomes for the community.
This committee will work closely with Council’s buildings and traffic teams to improve access in and around the Shire for people with a disability or with mobility problems.
To register interest please make a submission addressed to the General Manager in writing and include the following information:
- Full name
- Contact email and phone number
- Residential address
- Reason(s) why you would like to join the committee
- Any experience you have with committees
- List any relevant attributes you would bring to the committee
Note: All previous members of the Access Committee are required to reapply with an expression of interest.
Functions of the Access Committee:
To provide advice and support to Council relating to access issues.
The Access Committee is responsible for making recommendations and advising Council on:
- matters relating to access issues, with emphasis on issues for people with disabilities as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act.
- matters relating to access issues, with particular emphasis on actions from Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP).
- the implementation of relevant Council programs and policies.
- PAMP review
- Disability Access Plan Review
Please submit your expression of interest by 4:00pm on Tuesday 28 February 2023.
Mail: PO Box 42, Gunning NSW 2581; or
Email: council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au
Please address any queries to Council via email or by calling Shelley Knight, Executive Assistant to Director of Infrastructure 02 4830 1000.