
Upper Lachlan Shire Council hosted community consultation sessions on Wednesday 28 September 2022 to discuss the proposed changes to the Goulburn Street Pedestrian Crossing in Crookwell.
Sharon Horner, Associate Community and Safety Partner from Transport for NSW, joined Mayor Kensit, Deputy Mayor Mandy McDonald and General Manager Colleen Worthy to facilitate a morning and afternoon session at the Emily Chalker Sports Centre, Crookwell.
General Manager Colleen Worthy said the sessions provided a great opportunity for the community to meet with Council and TfNSW to give their preferred option.
“This is a high traffic pedestrian crossing for the community and any change made needs to have input from locals to help facilitate the best outcome,” she said.
On Thursday 29 September, Mayor Kensit and Deputy Mayor McDonald set up outside IGA Crookwell engaging with members of the community to chat 1-1 on their thoughts while being able to visually observe the day to day traffic of the crossing.
During the few hours they were there a total of 46 residents and locals who stopped to provide their comments and fill in a submission form. The additional opportunity helped capture valuable feedback from those who hadn’t filled in the online have your say form or were unable to make the other sessions.
In total, more than 100 written responses and 56 on the online Have Your Say website have been received by Council with their responses collated in the matric below.
“Council and members of the community have advocated for change on this crossing for a number of years,” Ms Worthy said.
“The next steps will be for the feedback to be collated, presented to TfNSW and in consultation with Council reviewed to see which options suits the community best.”