Fund raising and street stalls policy reminder


With some COVID-19 restrictions easing, stall-holders and fundraisers are reminded of Council’s Fundraising activity and street stalls policy.

The policy provides guidelines for the monitoring and control of the use of street stalls, raffle ticket sales, door knock appeals or other activities conducted by community organisations and/or other persons for fundraising activities.

General Manager Colleen Worthy said the policy helps to monitor and manage activities in public places, such as public footpaths, under the control and/or management of Council (excluding public reserves and community land areas).

“The rationale behind the policy is to ensure that fundraising activities do not adversely impact on residents or business operators,” Mrs Worthy said.

“At the same time, it provides an opportunity for fundraising for community organisations.”

Mrs Worthy said a copy of the application form was included in the policy, and that any applications submitted must also include the Street stall, markets and fundraising COVID-19 safety plan and procedure form.

Both forms are available at Council offices, and on the Council website.