
The Gunning Early Learning Centre has been successful in its application for a grant from the Cullerin Range Wind Farm Community Fund for 2023/2024.
The Centre will receive $21,928 which will go towards new softfall that will offer improved access for children of all ages for many years to come.
Grant applications were assessed by the Cullerin Range Wind Farm Community Fund S355 Committee and were approved at the June 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Cullerin Range Wind Farm owner and operator EDL Energy supports the Fund with an annual financial contribution, as part of its ongoing commitment to local communities.
Upper Lachlan Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Alex Waldron said the new softfall would meet current Australian Playground Safety Standards and would not require regular maintenance.
“The Gunning Early learning Centre is a not-for-profit, community-based Early Learning Centre that caters to children aged 0-5 in the Gunning community and surrounding area,” she said.
“This would be a difficult amount to raise for any small not-for-profit and this very practical assistance from the Cullerin Range Wind Farm Community Fund will be greatly appreciated by the Gunning community for years to come.”
The Cullerin Range Wind Farm Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 20km of the wind farm.