
The Gunning Swimming Pool will be taking part in SwimVAC in January 2023.
Royal Life Saving’s SwimVAC program, a fun and beneficial Swimming and Water Safety holiday program, is back and will be delivered over 5 or 10 days of lessons.
Aligned to the National Swimming and Water Safety Framework, SwimVAC programs encompass nationally recognised swimming and water safety benchmarks teaching swimming and personal safety skills to children of all skill abilities.
SwimVAC is targeted at children from 3- 14 years of age with the aim of getting as many children as possible to the 6 and 12-year-old national benchmarks for swimming and water safety. SwimVAC programs also cater for parent and child lessons from 6 months of age.
The program will run on weekdays from 9 – 20 January 2023, with flexible options to suit your child’s needs.
The pool entry fee for swimming lessons is only $1 per child (additional $2 if child remains after lesson).
Check out the SwimVAC webpage for more information where you can also book into the program.