
Council’s maintenance grading crew started works on an unsealed section of Wheeo Road between Hawthorne Tree Road and Grabben Gullen on Wednesday, 18 May 2022.
Current work includes grading and repairing this section of the road, and will include sealing of the section by year’s end.
Upon completion, the crew will then work their way North to Boorowa Road, finishing necessary maintenance on unsealed sections this week.
Pothole patching is also scheduled on sealed sections of Wheeo Road this week.
General Manager Colleen Worthy said the work was supported by state funding and will help improve a section of road in need of work.
“Council has funding under the Heavy Vehicle Safety & Productivity Program to upgrade approximately two kilometres of Wheeo Road,” she said.
“This work is scheduled to be completed by December 2022 but as with all of our works this year, that is dependent on the weather and any other urgent repairs our crews are drawn away to.”