Inclusive playground in Endeavour Park, Gunning officially opened


The new and inclusive Endeavour Park equipment in Gunning is now open for play.

Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman, Gunning District Association representative Graham Dyer, Upper Lachlan Shire Council Mayor Pam Kensit and Deputy Mayor Mandy McDonald, Clr John Searl and Clr Lauren Woodbridge marked the completion of the fenced and accessible playground earlier this week – with Clr Woodbridge’s daughter eager to put the new equipment to the test.

Mrs Tuckerman said the inclusive play space at Endeavour Park was funded through the valuable Stronger Country Communities Fund which has seen significant improvement to many community facilities across regional NSW.

“Gunning is already a vibrant and active community and the inclusive play space will only leverage the recent works undertaken at Endeavour Park including the lighting, seating, community gym, footpath and the skate park – as well as the new amenities building coming soon. These are all projects which make such a big difference to everyday life in Regional NSW,” Mrs Tuckerman said.

Mayor Pam Kensit said Upper Lachlan Shire Council is focused on continuing the infrastructure program across Gunning, with topsoil recently added to the sporting field and construction commencing this week on the amenities building.

The project, initiated by Gunning District Association was successfully financed by the NSW Liberal Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund in 2021 to the value of $399,976 with the remaining funding and construction costs of the $414,460 project delivered by Upper Lachlan Shire Council.