MOU between Rural Doctors Network and Country Mayors


Bush Bursary Doctors who visited the Shire this year, Riley Green (left) and Maggie Bester (right) with Mayor Pam Kensit.


The Country Mayors Association of NSW (CMA) hosted its inaugural Rural & Regional Health Forum in Wagga Wagga on Friday 15 September.

More than 70 CMA members including Mayors, Councillors and CEO’s from across rural and regional NSW, converged on NSW’s largest Inland city to discuss many health-related issues and hear from health leaders and politicians.

This Forum was the setting for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Country Mayors Association (CMA) and the Rural Doctors Network (RDN).

Upper Lachlan Shire, as a member of the Country Mayors Association will benefit from this historic signing. As a shire we have supported the Rural Doctors Network for a number of years now, hosting Bush Bursary medical students in our Local Government Area.

CEO of NSW Rural Doctors Network, Richard Colbran, highlighted how important it is for organisations like RDN to work closely in alignment with local government to improve rural health access and the workforce.

Mr Colbran went on to say, “Local councils across the state have become increasingly involved in ensuring a stronger, more sustainable health workforce so RDN is honoured to be signing a memorandum of understanding with the CMA to show its commitment to achieving better health access in regional, rural and remote NSW.

“I am constantly impressed by the dedication of mayors and councils to improving health access and outcomes for their residents, especially during recent years of natural disasters, the pandemic and crippling health workforce shortages. I am sure there will be some positive recommendations and outcomes to flow from this forum”, said Mr Colbran.

Key speakers at the forum included The Hon Michael McCormack MP, Federal Member for Riverina; Professor Ruth Stewart, National Rural Health Commissioner and Mr. Richard Colbran CEO NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN). Professor Stewart stressed the importance of working together to address the growing list of issues that are affecting the health of our residents of rural and regional NSW.

Jamie Chaffey, CMA Chairman and Mayor of Gunnedah Shire, emphasised the importance of the forum, stating that health is a crucial priority of CMA Members.

“It is most important that all CMA members amplify how crucial it is that our residents – who live in remote, rural and regional NSW – have the right to equity in health services,” said Rick Firman OAM, CMA Deputy Chairman and Mayor of Temora Shire.