
Following advice from the SES of a possible severe weather event, commencing Wednesday for a week, with heavy rain, wind and potential flooding, Council has no choice but to postpone the upcoming Multi Sport Come and Try Day which was due to be held this Saturday 8 October 2022.
Council General Manager Colleen Worthy said that Council wished to thank everyone who has been working hard behind the scenes to make this event happen.
“The postponement is regrettable, but a suitable date to hold this event in the next school holidays will be planned,” she said.
“Once a new date for this event has been set, it will be announced and all current registrations will be contacted via text message.”
What if I’m already registered, do I need to re-register?
All currently registered participants will be asked via text message to confirm they will be attending the new event date. This can be a simple yes or no, and will mean you will keep your place as 1 of the first 300 registered and will still receive a free t-shirt.
When will the new event be held?
The event will be held on a date in the January school holidays
Any questions please contact Council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au(link sends e-mail) or phone Council on (02) 4830 1000.