
Due to the recent rain events, the Upper Lachlan Multi Sport Come and Try Day has been rescheduled to Saturday, 21st January 2023.
All currently registered participants will be sent an SMS to request confirmation of their registration. If you can attend the new rescheduled event, you must respond ‘YES’ to the SMS. If you don’t respond by 3rd December, you will no longer be registered. Alternatively, you can contact Renee Brownlee Gants and Projects Officer on 0423 506 173 to confirm your registration.
We received a lot of positive feedback from parents and participants looking forward to the sport day, with over 250 registrations received. We anticipate a similar response again. And with the first 300 registrations receiving a free sports shirt – make sure you don’t forget to re-register.
If you are registering for the first time – registration is FREE, you can click on this link to register https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XZH3226 or scan the below QR Code.

If you are one of the first 300 registrations you will receive a free sports shirt. Shirts will be made available to pick up in the week leading up to the event.
The updated Multi-Sport Come and Try Day Flyer is attached. Registration is from 8am to 9am. Sports will commence at 9am. Participants will rotate through 9 different sports and get a chance to meet and learn from qualified coaches and Australian sports personalities. Dauntless Movement Crew will perform at 4.45pm. Breakfast, fruit and water will be provided for free throughout the day. BBQ food, healthy options, coffee, snacks and drinks will also be available for purchase on the day.
There will be prizes, music, local singers and a DJ. Don’t miss out on this incredibly fun day and get your registration in now!