
An ecological bushland park for the Gunning community will soon be delivered thanks to Round Five of the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund.
On Thursday 19 January 2023, Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman met with Gunning District Landcare Inc who will be delivering the $247,000 project.
“This is a grassroots project in the best sense of the word – Landcare is a wonderful community-based organisation which is managing and protecting our local natural resources.
“I am excited to see how Landcare will transform the land into an ecological park – by conserving our environment they are also building a cohesive community space,” Mrs Tuckerman said.
Gunning District Landcare Chair, Dr John Storey, welcomed the funding.
“We are delighted to be able transform this 2.2ha area, close to the centre of Gunning, into a park. Not only will this help preserve the Box Gum Grassy Woodland, but by adding wheelchair accessible paths and benches we can make it available for all the community to use. This funding will also allow for the installation of interpretative signs highlighting the native plant and animal species, along with their importance to the local indigenous community.” Dr Storey said.
“This is a wonderful opportunity we’ve been given for the Gunning community, for the environment and for the wildlife and fauna that make their home here, and we are very thankful for this support,” said Upper Lachlan Shire Council Mayor, Pam Kensit.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said in the past five years the Stronger Country Communities Fund had delivered more than 2000 grassroots projects, benefitting every Local Government Area in regional NSW.
“We all know how important it is for communities to have great places to come together to build social connections and boost their wellbeing,” Mr Toole said.
“It’s the little things that make a big difference to the way we all work, live, play and do business, and the NSW Liberals and Nationals in Government are delivering the projects that make a difference to everyday life right across regional NSW.”
Round Five of the Stronger Country Communities Fund is supporting local community and sporting infrastructure projects, street beautification, public programs and events that display the best of local character and community spirit.
The Stronger Country Communities Fund is part of the NSW Government’s $3.3 billion Regional Growth Fund, designed to support growing regional centres, activate local economies and improve services and community infrastructure in the regions.