Nine local groups and projects recipients of Veolia Mulwaree Trust funding


Veolia Mulwaree Trust representative John Reynolds with representatives of the Taralga Historical Society Jenny Haigh, Judith Matthews and Chris Ainsworth. Photo supplied.


Supporting a range of initiatives to improve our community, more than $330,000 has been distributed to 54 local community groups by the Veolia Mulwaree Trust in its most recent funding round.

Of the organisations obtaining funding, 20 have received significant grants and 34 organisation will undertake small projects funded through the Trust’s donation program, all of which will go toward bettering local communities.

The range of funded grant projects will improve local schools, sport and recreation facilities, community halls, men’s and women’s sheds, a rural fire brigade and recreation groups.

Justin Houghton, chairman of the Veolia Mulwaree Trust, and manager of Veolia’s Woodlawn Eco Precinct said it was great to meet the funding recipients at the grant presentation held on August 16 and hear first-hand about the initiatives each organisation would be undertaking.

The Veolia Mulwaree Trust was established in 2004 to support community initiatives, with a specific focus on Tarago, the town in which Veolia operates its Woodlawn Eco Precinct, the source of Veolia Mulwaree Trust funding. 

“Congratulations to all the organisations receiving funding in this round, the Trust looks forward to seeing your projects develop and the positive impacts they will bring to our local communities,” he said.

The 20 successful grant projects, including four from the Upper Lachlan, are:

  • Gunning & District Preschool Inc – Permanent softfall project – $18,562
  • Laggan Public School – Purchase poly tunnel for Patch to Plate gardening program – $3,111
  • Bigga Golf Club Ltd – Shelter shed for golf carts and machinery  – $4,410
  • Taralga Historical Society Inc – Establish interactive research centre – $6,391
  • Goulburn High School – Development of new disability support playground – $78,781
  • Tarago Area Women’s Shed Inc – Improving safety and facilities project – $5,860
  • Goulburn Speedway Club Inc – Canteen upgrade project – $9,535
  • Robertson Public School – New playground development – $10,000
  • Tarago District Men’s Shed – Rec area flooring project – $5,220
  • Goulburn Rodeo Club Inc – Purchase new grandstand tiered seating – $17,783
  • Araluen Progress Association – Development of accessible multipurpose garden – $21,846
  • Callala Bay Progress Hall Management Committee – Hall and grounds new equipment – $5,000
  • Havenlee Public School P&C Association – Playground softfall rubber replacement – $25,000
  • Menangle Community Association Inc – Menangle School of Arts Community Hall – $17,138
  • Berrima Clay Target Club Inc – New club mower and catcher – $6,348
  • Goulburn Men’s Shed Inc – Glass house for propagating vegetable plants – $2,949
  • Gundary Bush Fire Brigade – Water tank and pump installation – $11,210
  • Bundanoon RSL Sub Branch – Hall improvement project – $3,176
  • Goulburn Pony Club Inc – Small tractor/mower and arena rake – $17,599
  • Bowral Tennis Club Inc – Clubhouse transformation -$18,786

In addition, 34 organisations (including five from the Upper Lachlan) will undertake small projects through $44,000 distributed in the Trust’s donation program, including:

  • Crookwell Soccer Club – Soccer for fun and fitness program
  • Gunning Focus Arts Council & Community Group Inc – Gunning’s best ever open mic event
  • Gunning & District Garden Club Inc – Beautification of Gunning main street gardens
  • The New Dalton & Community District Association Inc – Preservation and historical signage of Dalton stand pipe
  • Upper Lachlan Gazette Inc – Purchase community marquee
  • Wingello Village Association Inc – Beautification of Wingello project
  • NSW Waterfowl Breeders Association Inc – Promotional banners for Goulburn Recreation Area events
  • Tarago Preschool Association Inc – Electrical upgrade
  • PAWS Pet Therapy – Volunteer management software
  • Moss Vale Amateur Swimming Club – Purchase club laptop
  • Picton and District Historical and Family History Society Inc – Archival storage solution project
  • Marulan Branch CWA – Repairs to CWA roof
  • South Coast Bookclubs Incorporated – Purchase of new book sets
  • Burrawang Wildes Meadow Community Association – Purchase new equipment
  • Mulwaree Arts Incorporated – Update office equipment
  • Berry Community Pre-School – Aboriginal cultural immersion program
  • Goulburn Lilac City Festival – 2023 Lilac City Festival Support
  • International Volunteers for Peace Inc (Goulburn) – Goulburn Farmers Market establishment
  • Braidwood Life Centre Inc – Community pantry and meals for Head Heart Hands Group
  • Goulburn & District Arts & Crafts Inc – Accessibility improvements and repairs
  • The Oaks Evening Branch CWA – Women’s wellness and empowerment program
  • U3a Goulburn Mulwaree Inc -Computer training and communications
  • Friends of Oberon Library Inc – Establish the FOOLs book shed
  • PCYC Goulburn – Support of activities for participants
  • Tirranna Public School – New school cubby house
  • Neighbourhood Watch Wollondilly Inc – Stop number plate theft program
  • The Oaks Public School Parents & Citizens Association – Purchase fridge for canteen
  • Tarago Public School P&C Association – Support of Tarago school bus excursions
  • Mongarlowe Volunteer Bushfire Brigade – Purchase oven for the fire shed kitchen
  • Braidwood Branch CWA – Install air-conditioning in Braidwood CWA Rooms
  • Ss Peter and Paul’s Primary School Goulburn School Community Council – Purchase new equipment for school soccer club
  • Buxton Community Association Inc – Front doors replacement
  • One Stop Community Assistance (Wollondilly) – OSCA Events Equipment
  • Callala Junior Sailing School Inc – O’pen Skiff Purchases

Eligible local organisations are invited to apply to the Veolia Mulwaree Trust’s third funding round of 2023 which will open for applications on Monday 28 August. Program guidelines and application forms are available via Smartygrants, and applications will close on 27 September.

For more information regarding applying to the Trust’s funding programs visit