
Crookwell 3 Windfarm is reaching the stage of construction where turbine components will shortly be arriving to site.
The deliveries are scheduled to occur every day during the period of 26 June 2023 until 1 September 2023.
The components will be arriving early in the morning to avoid disruption to traffic during usual waking hours and these are expected to arrive via Goulburn to Graywood Siding Rd at 6:30AM, prior to construction hours which typically begin at 7:00AM.
If there are any significant changes, we will advise via an updated letter by mail.
The final leg of the route is as shown in the attached photo.
The deliveries will be conducted under police escort and in accordance to National Heavy Vehicle permits, and some traffic-control related delays are expected for this period.
For any enquiries or comments, or if you are interested in receiving the fortnightly construction update and/or monthly newsletter for Crookwell 3 Windfarm, please contact Marco Romero, Community and Stakeholder Engagement Officer, on 0487 210 034.