PROPERTY: LOT 2 DP 1233492, LOT 1 DP 239858 AND LOT 1 DP 1253980
Upper Lachlan Shire Council has received the gateway determination for the above-mentioned property from the NSW Department of Planning. The determination is to amend the Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2010 to rezone land at Laggan from RU2 Rural Landscape to part RU5 Village and part C3 Environmental Management and amend the minimum lot size controls.
In accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) the Planning Proposal will be on public exhibition from Wednesday 17 January 2024 to Friday 16 February 2024.
You are invited to inspect the exhibition documents on the NSW Planning Portal by following the link https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/ppr/under-exhibition/laggan-lane-estate You can make a written submission to Council by 4.00pm Friday 16 February 2024. If an objection is made, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. Submissions can be made on the NSW Planning Portal by following the above link or can be addressed to the CEO – Upper Lachlan Shire Council, PO Box 42 GUNNING NSW 2581 or email council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au All submissions will be reviewed and reported to the elected Council for consideration.
The Planning Proposal is categorised as standard as described in the Local Environmental Plan Making Guidelines. The Minister has authorised Upper Lachlan Shire Council to exercise the functions of the local plan-making authority under section 3.36(2) of the EP&A Act.