
UPDATE: The following Public Notice was on public exhibition until 27 May 2022 and has now closed. Submissions will no longer be accepted.
The Department of Primary Industries released an updated Animal Welfare Code of Practice 30 August 2021 and advised that as part of the inquiry into animal welfare policy in New South Wales, a Standing Committee was formed which is currently reviewing the Draft Animal Welfare Bill 2022.
With increased interest in the establishment of dog boarding and breeding establishments within the LGA, Council has updated the matters for consideration to incorporate current policies and guidelines to ensure Applicants are aware upfront of the specific requirements. Developments involving dog breeding and boarding facilities historically result in neighbour notification and submissions.
The proposed Draft chapter will bring the Upper Lachlan Development Control Plan (DCP) in line with current legislation and provide clear guidelines for assessment.
Council will place the draft DCP chapter on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days in line with the Community Participation Plan to seek community input.
This document can be viewed at Council’s Offices in Taralga, Crookwell and Gunning, on Council’s website www.upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au under Council Meetings / 2022 / 21 April 2022 and on Council’s Facebook page.
The draft revised chapter has been prepared for public exhibition and community consultation and will be on public exhibition from Thursday 28 April 2022 until 4.00pm Friday 27 May 2022.
Public submissions shall be made in writing addressed to the General Manager, and will be received by Council during the public exhibition period in person at Council’s Offices, via post or emailed to council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au.
Council will take into consideration all submissions received before reviewing the draft DCP chapter.
All enquiries in relation to the draft plan may be directed to Council by telephone (02) 4830 1000 or by email to council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au.
Colleen Worthy
General Manager
PO Box 42