Motorists will soon experience safer journeys at Towrang and Marulan with various
speed limits set to be reduced this week.
A Transport for NSW spokesperson said the combined 43.5-kilometre length of
Towrang, Brayton, Ambrose and Red Hills roads will be reduced from 100 km/h to
80 km/h for the safety of motorists.
“The review of these speed zone was initiated in response to a request from
Goulburn Mulwaree Council and the community to improve road user safety,” the
spokesperson said.
“In the five-year period from October 2017 to September 2022, seven crashes were
recorded along this 43.5-kilometre section of road, resulting in six serious injuries
and one fatality.
“The review found a speed reduction was appropriate due to the narrow road
formation, the crash history, an increase in vehicle volume, and to apply speed zone
consistency within the area.”
The following lengths of road will be reduced from 100 km/h to 80 km/h from
Tuesday 4 June:
- Towrang Road for a 23.4-kilometre stretch from the intersection with
Brayton Road to the intersection with the Hume Highway. - Brayton Road for a 16.7-kilometre stretch from 500-metres north of Maclura
Drive to 1.5-kilometres north of Towrang Road. - Ambrose Road and Red Hills Road for a 3.4-kilometre stretch from the
intersection with Brayton Road to the intersection with the Hume Highway.
The spokesperson said the review also found a 50 km/h speed zone was
appropriate for the road environment along Merino, Dorsett , Suffolk , Leicester,
and Southdown roads, Corriedale Drive, and Herdwick Place.
“The speed limit will be reduced from 100 km/h to 50 km/h to provide safer access
to driveways and to the township of Marulan, and to better support residential
development in the area,” the spokesperson said.
“Speeding is the biggest contributor to road trauma in NSW so it’s important that
motorists are aware of the changed speed limit and follow the road rules.
“In NSW, speeding contributes to 41 per cent of road fatalities and 24 per cent of
serious injuries from road crashes each year.
“Speeding increases both the risk of a crash happening, as well as the likelihood of
death or serious injury.
“Going just 5 km/h over the speed limit in a 60 km/h zone, on average, doubles your
crash risk.”
Signage will be onsite two weeks post installation of the speed zone reduction, to
notify motorists of the changed speed limit.