
Upper Lachlan Shire Council was successful in applying for $10,000 of funding for the removal of woody weeds in Oolong Creek, Dalton.
The project is a combined effort of Ozfish and local volunteers who are taking the lead on the project.
The first weekend of removing woody weeds from Oolong Creek was a huge success. Ten local volunteers, plus one volunteer and one OzFish Unlimited staff member from Dubbo got stuck into work on the weekend of 25 and 26 March.
The team cleaned up a large area adjacent to Garry Cosgrove Bridge. The main target was blackberry and elm suckers. They discovered that welding gloves were extremely useful when dealing with blackberry!
Removing weeds is a critical first step in the objective of establishing appropriate native vegetation to enhance habitat for our local endangered Southern Pygmy Perch.
There is still plenty of work to be done, and there will be two more opportunities to help out – on Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 April, and Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 May.
OzFish Unlimited will again provide the fully equipped River Repair Bus and a staff member to facilitate the clean-up. Even an hour or two is much appreciated.
For inquiries please email council at council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au ATTN: Oolong Creek.