
The following roads are closed as at 1.30pm Sunday 3 July 2022.
Please remember to never drive through a flooded road/causeway whether there is a road closed sign or not. Damage can be caused to the road surface under the water that is not visible until the water recedes.
- Taralga-Oberon Road at Curraweela Creek
- Taralga-Oberon Road at Abercrombie River bridge
- Taralga-Oberon Road 2km south of Wombeyan Caves
- Jerrong Road at Hogans & Wiarborough Creeks
- The Abercrombie River Causeway
- Golspie Road at Woolshed Creek
- Blue Hill Road at the Golspie Bridge
- Blue Hill Road at Burra Burra Creek
- Rhyanna Road at Tarlo River
- Brayton Road at Wollondilly River
- Tyrl Tyrl Road at Bolong River
- Scabben Flat Road
Last night the SES had to perform a rescue at Curraweela Creek after a car drove through on the way to the Abercrombie Bridge to find it flooded, then they turned around to head back to Taralga only to find the causeway had risen during this time. They drove into the Curraweela Creek and got stuck.
For up to date road closure information, please monitor the Disaster Dashboard.