Shoulder widening completed on Main Road 54


Council’s delivery team in conjunction with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) have recently completed a shoulder widening project to improve road safety on the Crookwell to Goulburn Road.

This involved drainage improvements, earthworks and sealing to formalise a 3m shoulder. TfNSW installed a guardrail to complete this project.

Council has secured additional funding for Heavy Patching between Crookwell and Goulburn which is now being undertaken to address the recent breakouts and damage caused by wet weather and improve road safety.

The road from Crookwell to Goulburn is a frequently travelled one and a key part of Council’s Infrastructure roads register. Crews were out in full force repairing the road and working tirelessly to get it in great shape ahead of the school holiday / Easter period. 

Rob Johnson, Acting Manager of Infrastructure said Council’s MR54 Crew have been doing a commendable job in maintaining the network in spite of recent conditions until Council can secure funds and resources to complete upgrade and repair works.  

“ULSC is responsible for maintaining 102km of MR54, one of the longest roads Council services for the Shire,” he said.

“With the weather being so unpredictable these past few months, it is a great result to have implemented some positive changes and repairs to make this road more efficient.”

Crews are continuing to work on potholes and bog holes around the Shire while weather permits. Pudman Creek, Woodhouselee Road, Rhyanna Road and Brayton Road have received emergency attention following bog holes occurring in those areas.