From Monday 26th August 2024, Showground Lane at Crookwell will become a one-way lane. From this date, one-way traffic will only be permitted on Showground Lane in an easterly direction, that is, in the direction of travel from East St towards Goulburn St.

The change to one direction of travel is necessary for safety as a result of the narrow width of Showground Lane and the large number of heavy vehicles and caravans that utilize the lane, especially when an event is occurring in the Showground.
The change will mean the following:
- Turning from Goulburn St into Showground Ln will not be permitted;
- Vehicles on Goulburn St can still easily access the Showground by turning into East St and travelling along East St to the Showground entry;
- Vehicles travelling on Pleasant St towards Showground Ln will only be permitted to turn left into Showground Ln.
Signs will be installed to clearly advise and remind drivers of the change.