
A considerable amount of slope stability work on Wombeyan Caves Road is scheduled to start in August.
Council Acting Director of Infrastructure David Rowe said there were a range of both short-term and long-term measures that fall under the broad banner of slope stability.
“These works will substantially improve access to Wombeyan Caves,” he said.
“Short-term measures include cleaning drains and culverts, erecting temporary barriers and fences to reduce the potential for dry stone wall failure under live loading, formalising a 40km/h speed limit on the hill, erecting warning signs, installing guide posts and conducting regular slope inspections.
“Long-term measures will include repairing drystone walls, culverts, scaling batters, installing a guard rail and pavement repairs.”
Initial funding of $5 million was provided jointly by the Commonwealth Building Better Regions Fund, and the NSW Government’s Restart NSW funding from the Department of Infrastructure, of which $700,000 has been set aside for the slope stability portion of the project.
“There is no magic wand, and no magical pool of money that could be thrown at Wombeyan Caves Road to fix every part of it quickly, especially with a large Shire filled with other roads that need attention,” Mr Rowe said.
“But, thanks to this significant government funding, Council is chipping away at some of the impending safety issues on Wombeyan Caves Road.
“This particular project will provide significant long-term safety improvements for users of this road “