Solar powered smart bins installed


Upper Lachlan Shire Council has installed new solar-powered smart bins in Crookwell, Gunning and Taralga.

The bins, produced by Big Belly Solar, use the sun’s rays to power the bins which compact waste volumes up to five times greater than the current street bins.

The bins have also been specially wrapped with an image of an Upper Lachlan landscape and wind farms to showcase the Shire.

Director of Environment & Planning Alex Waldron said she was delighted that the new bins were not only functional but were designed to be very sympathetic to their surrounds.

“First and foremost these bins will help with litter management, but I’m very pleased at how good they look,” she said.

“I think they will be a real talking point for residents and visitors alike.”

The location of the solar-powered smart bins are alongside Paul’s Café in Crookwell, in front of Goodhew Park, Taralga, and in Barbour Park in Gunning. Two further bins will be installed within the Shire once they become available.

The bins will assist with the collection and prevention of street litter by using solar power to compact its contents. As rubbish is placed into the bin, sensors begin the compacting process once it reaches a certain height.

The bins will be connected to a software management system which will alert staff to the fullness of the bins as well as being able to identify any maintenance issues. This will reduce the collection frequency of the bins as well as reducing windblown litter from overflowing bins during peak times.

“During peak times street bins are frequently emptied with the potential to overflow causing windblown litter in certain locations,” Ms Waldron said.

“The new Solar bins will hold much greater volumes and also alert staff if they become full before their scheduled collection. This means staff won’t have to go out and visually check the bins which reduces greenhouse emission levels by cutting the number of trips required and reduces service costs.”