
Seven community groups in the Upper Lachlan Shire will benefit from a combined $74,444 in funding under the Taralga Wind Farm Community Fund in 2022/23.
The grants were assessed by the Taralga Wind Farm Community Fund S355 Committee and were approved at the August 2022 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
Taralga Wind Farm owner and operator Pacific Hydro supports the Fund with an annual financial contribution, as part of its ongoing commitment to local communities.
The grants will help to fund the following projects:
Organisation | Project | Amount |
Southern Tablelands Vintage Farm Machinery Club | Purchase of seating tables and gazebos | $8,138.55 |
Taralga Historical Society | Museum air-conditioning | $8,808.20 |
Taralga Golf Club | Upgrade to entrance and driveway | $11,060.00 |
Taralga and District Showground and Recreational Co-operative Ltd | Taralga Showground Safety Works | $15,785.46 |
Taralga and District Showground and Recreational Co-operative Ltd | Refurbishment of the Taralga Community Courts | $16,000.00 |
Taralga Playground | Signage upgrade | $3,398.00 |
Taralga Landcare Group Incorporated | Works at the Taralga Landcare Windfarm Park | $13,640.00 |
TOTAL | $74,444.01 |
Upper Lachlan Shire Council General Manager Colleen Worthy said the Fund provides grants to projects or initiatives that benefit the community within 20km of the wind farm.
“The Wind Farm Grants make a significant contribution to their local communities in the Shire,” she said.
“It is very pleasing to see such a diverse group of projects being assisted by the Taralga Wind Farm Community Enhancement Program in the 2022/2023 Grants.”