
New videos that form part of a local Tourism campaign are now available on the Visit Upper Lachlan website thanks to Destination Southern NSW and funding from the Bushfire Local Recovery Economy Fund.
Council’s Manager of Tourism and Economic Development Christiane Cocum said that the campaign and videos were created for three Council’s impacted by the 2019/2020 Bushfires.
“Upper Lachlan was featured in three of the five trails that were filmed & designed to take people on planned road trips across our region. Goulburn Mulwaree and Queanbeyan Palerang feature as well,” she said.
“The videos will be featured under Road Trips on the Visit NSW site which a real marketing coup for us, as it will provide major exposure nationally and internationally as the Road Trips are a highly visited part of Visit NSW.”
As part of the filming, numerous small businesses and natural assets along the trails were featured, showcasing our Shire in this incredible footage and featuring many residents of the Shire.
“I’d like to thank those businesses who took part,” Ms Cocum said.
“It was great to see some local Upper Lachlan Shire residents including a young family and young couple involved, who scored a paid acting gig for the day in the process!”
“It was a fun and special experience and great for all involved to be a part of, and more than that, will do a great job of promoting the Upper Lachlan Shire.”
The footage and images filmed by Visit NSW as part of a specialised trails advertising campaign can be accessed via the links below.
Please note, the “complete campaigns” include maps, photos, video and the associated story… or you can just watch the videos.