
A summary of the nominees for the ULSC Australia Day 2023 Citizen of the Year award.
Citizen of the Year nominees 2023
Aaron relocated to Crookwell in March 2021 after falling in love with Crookwell over 5 years earlier and buying a home here.
Quickly opening “Rising Sun Health” at the Memorial Oval complex, Aaron has immersed himself in becoming a respected and valued member of the community, opening another business site in July 2022.
The gym offers classes targeted to all including teens, kids, over 50s and adaptive athletes for those with mobility or cognitive impairment. He hosts the local high school program and trains the local football teams when the fields are closed.
Aaron also has a trainer attend the local nursing home weekly to support the residents in movement. He is a passionate member of the community who gives his time to encourage health and wellness holistically to all.
Aaron has spoken at high school seminars, attends workshops at the local medical centre and assists the high school offer personal trainer hours and sign offs.
Adding to this, Aaron also attended the Taralga Anzac Day service, delivering the key note
Through Rising Sun Health, Aaron has also founded and runs the Under 18s blue light discos every two months with the support of many local businesses and Council, further building on community pride, and a need to support the youth of the town.
On a personal note, as his wife, I see his passion, drive and love for the town on a daily basis. He is truly passionate about what he does, is building and believes in the growth and future of Crookwell, despite the long hours he puts in all day, every day.
– Honorary Life Membership Gunning District Landcare (GDL) awarded recently for her unflagging contribution to sustainable land management, Landcare, and the local community.
– Jerrawa Creek Landcare Group (JCLG) joined in late 2003 and remained an active member until it merged into Gunning District Landcare.
– Upper Lachlan Landcare served as Secretary on the committee.
– Gunning District Landcare (GDL) since the end of 2015, a prominent executive committee member.
• driving force behind many activities undertaken and is renowned for her hands-on and practical approach to conservation and sustainable land management.
• passion for looking after threatened species in the region. She has initiated the implementation of some of the key recommendations from GDL’s Southern Pygmy Perch Action Plan; including helping to organise fish monitoring, habitat mapping, the establishment of refuge dams, and training landholders in the art of planting and protecting aquatic plants.
• actively helping to ensure the survival of Superb Parrots by planting scores of single paddock trees on ‘Moorlands’ and generously sharing her knowledge with other landholders.
• keen interest in providing activities and resources for children and the broader community. She is strongly engaged in GDL’s School Holiday Program, has run an activity with the local Cubs and Scouts, assisted with the Dalton School Bush Block and rehabilitation of Oolong Creek, and is always on the lookout for relevant books to contribute to the local library – which now has a rich collection of donated resources available to the public.
• facilitated the planting of tens of thousands of trees and plants in Upper Lachlan Shire landscapes.
– Gunning and District Garden Club
• skills shared with demonstrations and assistance of rose pruning to members in Gunning village gardens;
• knowledge and information about the work towards sustainable land management.
– Patchwork Skills
• donated quilts to Gunning Seniors Christmas Luncheons; Dalton Public School and many other events as fundraisers. Contribution of sharing knowledge and information to assist others with their projects.
Janet Heffernan born in Tumut, mother of two children, initially trained as a school teacher then horticulturist – running her own garden business in Canberra; prior to starting her huge contribution to the community.
Bob Spiller recounts Janet’s involvement with Jerrawa Creek Landcare from 2003: “She came to the fore particularly in seeing something needing to be done and either bringing it to the attention of a committee member and, not infrequently, then making it happen”.
She has a passion for engaging with children – particularly in relation to environmental education: including GDL’s school holiday program; activities with Clubs and Scouts; assisted with Dalton School Bush Block and rehabilitation of Oolong Creek. This keen interest in providing activities and resources for children and the
broader community includes books for the local Libraries.
Janet is a driving force behind many activities; renowned for her hands-on and practical approach to conservation and sustainable land management; passion for looking after threatened species in the region.
Scott Keyworth commented “perhaps Janet’s greatest personal achievement was the environmental transformation of the property Moorlands over a period of 20 years with her then husband Vince Heffernan. It has been widely recognized in the community that Janet was the driving force behind implementing all the ecological work across the 1200Ha property. In this role she was responsible for the development of many kilometres of tree lines, the planting of 800 individual paddock trees and the establishment of reserve areas for wildlife”.
This work of planting single paddock trees helping to ensure the survival of the Superb Parrots and then generously sharing her knowledge with other landholders.
Janet regularly attends events run by neighbouring Landcare groups, is a keen bird watcher and member of the Crookwell Native Flora and Fauna Club. It is difficult to imagine where she finds time to also create her beautiful patchwork quilts!
In her quiet, practical way Janet Heffernan has committed countless hours in working towards improving outcomes for biodiversity, land, water and people across the district of the Upper Lachlan Shire.
Jeff is a highly valued and respected member of the community whose volunteer, community and charity work spans decades.
Jeff is a long-standing committee member of the Taralga Australia day Rodeo Committee, and has spent many years helping to organise the event – offering a wealth of knowledge and guidance to the committee.
Historically, Jeff has offered the same to the Taralga Pony Club. He also volunteers time over the weekend of the annual Taralga AP&H Show.
It is my humble pleasure to nominate Mrs Jennifer (Jen) Medway for consideration as the 2023 Australia Day Upper Lachlan Shire Citizen of the Year. Jen is a fifth generation farmer and has been a Gunning resident almost all of her life. During the past 18 years she has been dedicated to serving her community across a range of community organisations.
No other person better embodies the saying “if you want something done, ask a busy person” than Jen Medway. Shortly after moving back to Gunning Jen joined the Gunning District Tennis Club and soon took on the position of treasurer, which she held fo0r many years before becoming the club’s president last year. Jen joined the committee of the Gunning Early Learning Centre in 2011 and, as president, she has helped steer the centre through some very difficult times. She has been an RFS volunteer for more than 15 years.
With three young children attending Gunning Public School, Jen threw herself enthusiastically into the life of the school, volunteering for all major school fundraisers and events. She joined the P&C and served as treasurer during a crucial time of rapid growth.
Jen has served on the Gunning Show Society Committee for 14 years, also during some difficult financial times, working hard to secure its future. She has held the role of secretary for the past 11 years and helped drive a number of successful community events such as the Wool, Wine and Jazz event and the Gunning Team sorting weekends.
Jen was part of the Gunning 200 Committee, which successfully organised a series of events to commemorate the Gunning Bicentenary, including the Gltz and Glamour Ball. She has always applied her professional skills in leadership and negotiation gained in her corporate and governance positions outside Gunning to any role she has volunteered for in the community.
Jen has been a tireless and dedicated volunteer in the many organisations she has been involved with.
She has contributed not just man-hours towards helping to run these groups and associated community events, but has also given generously of her professional skills and governance expertise.
Jen has demonstrated an ability to work with people from across the community of all ages with a smile and a positive attitude.
Through her unwavering commitment to the community and her long-held belief in the power of community events in keeping the community connected, Jen has worked tirelessly to ensure the financial survival of a number of organisations she has been part of. It is only thanks to people like Jen that towns like Gunning not only survive, but thrive.
Laura has demonstrated a strong commitment to our community through her locl committee involvement. Laura has been the Secretary of the Taralga AP&H Association and is currently the Treasurer of the Taralga Australia Day Rodeo Committee.
Through these endeavours, Laura has volunteered her time to our local and annual events that benefit our whole community.
Laura takes on her community roles with confidence and is well respected and reliable.
Nomination 1:
Leona has, over many years, been an active and dedicated citizen in the local community.
For over 31 years while her children were at school:
- became a Life member at Tuena Public School.
- Was canteen supervisor at St Mary’s School and president of the P&C at Crookwell High School.
- Also involved in sporting clubs, Crookwell hockey and tennis club, ladies bowl club.
- Active member of the Crookwell Community Trust
- Dedicated to the Catholic Church, providing care and commun ion to the frail and ill
- Hosting Biggest Morning Tea every year to raise funds for cancer.
- Host residents of Viewhaven at her home twice a year.
- Can be relied upon to drive friends to medical appointments
Leona certainly meets an exceeds the criteria for Citizen of the Year.
She is a person who has already provided outstanding service, effort and dedication to a community where she has raised children and lived for 79 years.
She is a wonderful mother to 10 and grandmother to 16 and is always available to listen and provide love, support, advice and babysitting to friends, family and all in the community.
Leona is always one to volunteer and provide support to members of the local community while also helping her husband Lionel run the family farm and sheep stud.
Nomination 2:
Leona Evans certainly meets and exceeds the eligibility criteria for Citizen of the Year Award.Leona is a person who has always provided outstanding service, effort and dedication to a community where she was raised and has lived for 79 years.
Leona is a wonderful mother to 10 children and Grandmother to 16. She is always available to listen and provide love, support, advice and babysitting duties for friends, family and others in the community.
Over the years Leona has dedicated and volunteered her time to numerous organisations.
For 31 years whilst her children attended school she provided, support and help to both teachers and students through numerous roles including:
- Life membership to Tuena Public School P&C
- Canteen Supervisor at St Mary’s School
- President of the P&C at Crookwell High School
Leona has also been involved in numerous local sporting clubs including regular canteen duty for the Crookwell Hockey Association, President of the Crookwell Tennis Club and is now an active member of the ladies bowls club, playing pennants and hosting visiting clubs.
As her children grew and left home, Leona has continued to volunteer and provide support members of the local community.
She is an active member of the Crookwell Community Trust, providing assistance and support to those locals that need a little extra help.
Leona is also dedicated to the Catholic Church, being President of the Crookwell women’s league. She also volunteers with the church cleaning, taking communion to the frail and ill of the community and visiting residents at Viewhaven to say the rosary with or just be there for a chat or a game of dominoes.
Leona holds a morning tea each August for the Biggest Morning Tea raising funds for cancer research and also hosts residents of Viewhaven at her home for lunch twice a year. This allows the residents to have a wonderful relaxing outing, and the men visitors particularly love being able to look around the farm.
Leona can also be relied upon to drive friends and family to medical appointments in Canberra and Goulburn.
In addition to all she does and has done in the community, Leona also helps her husband Lionel run the family farm and their sheep stud.
Lyndal has lived in Crookwell for 21 years and gives her time generously to many organisations in the Crookwell Community. Currently, Lyndal is the Treasurer of Probus, and also Treasurer of the Friends of the Crookwell Library. Lyndal’s familiar face can also be seen on any given day at St Vincent de Paul’s where she regularly volunteers her time. In the past, Lyndal has also been part of the Meals on Wheels Team.
Lyndal is currently an active and highly valued volunteer with Valmar Community Transport since 2019 where she drives clients to their out-of-town appointments.
Lyndal is an incredibly reliable and dedicated volunteer who makes a real difference to the lives of the clients that use the Community Transport Service.
Her respectful demeanor and ability to listen and communicate with clients is wonderful and much appreciated. Lyndal has a marvellous personality and is always available to drive a client to a medical appointment at short notice. Nothing is ever a problem.
She is respectful of the needs of our clients and will always do that little bit extra to help them in a caring and thoughtful way. Lyndal is a volunteer that makes a difference.
Nomination 1:
As a citizen of Crookwell I would like to nominate Margaret Wonson for Citizen of the Year for her contribution to the community.
We are all aware of the effect ts the past few years have had on mental health. Margaret’s time put into supporting local artists and provide a space for them to showcase their work as well as offering them opportunity to teach their skills to the local community has been a huge support to our community’s local health.
Offering a space to learn and connect gives substantial mental assistance. Mental health is fast becoming the health issue of our time. Anyone helping in this field is a saint.
Margaret should be citizen of the year because of all the work she does for our community. She cares for everyone and has time to make you feel special. The time she gives to everyone is such a boost to our well-being and mental health. Put simply, Margaret cares for our community.
Nomination 2:
It gives me great pleasure to write this letter of support for Margaret on behalf of all members of the Crookwell District Arts Council. In view of Margaret’s achievements in establishing and growing Get Creative in Crookwell retail and educational outlet.
Our members reacted unanimously and enthusiastically in supporting her nomination. The Arts Council feels her achievements can be stated five fold:
Firstly. by establishing her outlet in Crookwell main street itself and having a call to action as the outlet name, places Crookwell at the forefront of art services within the Shire and surrounding districts.
Secondly, in a very short space of time she has attracted approximately 100 artists to show their talents and present their work. These artists comprise ULSC residents and artists from districts including Goulbum, Canberra, the Southern Highlands, South Coast and Sydney.
Thirdly, as well as providing the only fun time retail outlet for art. photography and sculpture within the Shire. Margaret also provides the only artist materials supply services within the Shire (and to a degree the Goulburn Mulwaree Shire). Previously artists have had to source these goods in either Canberra or the Southern Highlands.
Fourthly, the establishment of a hugely popular art education program for our community. Margaret has created some 20 different workshop opportunities for both children and adults to participate in and learn a creative skill. Again, this is the only full time venue within our Shire where this is possible.
Finally, Margaret has achieved all of the above single handedly, and is a demonstration to the community Of what dedication, persistence and hard work can produce. “Get Creative in Crookwell’s” financial success is also a further achievement and inspiration to others.
The Arts Council feels that Margaret is a worthy recipient of Citizen of the Year and whole-heartedly supports her nomination.
Nic Foster has been nominated for Citizen of the Year due to the Crookwell Community Kindness Project. This is a Not For Profit she started for the community.
Nic goes `above and beyond’ in continually supporting people in need within our community. Having experienced adversity within her own life, she understands and is humble in helping many during a crisis.
Kindness starts with us all and one act of kindness, such as Nic Foster’s Kindness Project, spreads the kindness which our community has embraced.
Reasons as to why Nic should be Citizen of the Year
- Going above and beyond to all in the community.
- Nic receives no financial gain from the Kindness project. It is a Not For Profit organisation.
- Nic continues to make it about caring and helping others in need.
- Due to Nic starting the Kindness Project, many in our commun ity now contribute, donate and help those in need – it is what makes a community special.
- Also, she has helped make people aware that it is ok not to be ok and that we should all help each other.
Nomination 1:
John is a Vietnam Veteran, served in the Australian Army for 16 years. Became President of the Taralga Progress Association in 2007, served in this role until 2011. During this time, initiated the revival of the Taralga Echo, which had been the local newspaper in the l920’s, the new version became a source of local news for the Taralga Community.
Served on the Board of Directors of the Taralga Sports Club 2008 – 2011.
Served on the Board of Directors of Crookwell Taralga Aged Care 2009 – 2012.
Joined the Taralga Brigade of the New South Wales Rural Fire Service in 2009, became Deputy Captain in 2011, elected Captain in 2013, a position he still holds. As Captain, he has attended several major bushfires in the Taralga Brigade area in addition to deployments to bush fires around the state of NSW, including Glen Innes, Grafton, and Braidwood in late 2019, subsequently attending the Green Wattle Creek fire in the Taralga area from Dec 4th until iith February 2020. John has also attended flood relief deployments to Griffith in 2012, Port Macquarie in 2021 and numerous rescues of flood victims caught in flood waters between the Abercrombie River and Curraweela Creek in the past year. John has also responded to numerous Ambulance assist calls, several times driving the ambulance into Goulburn Hospital, whilst Paramedics attended to a patient in the rear of the ambulance.
Today, John continues to lead the Taralga Brigade and maintain the state of readiness for emergency response in the area and continues to expand the Brigades Drone Program as an additional means of helping to protect the community by assisting with fire observation, and prevention, the drones can also be used for search and rescue when requested.
John is also the State Protocol Officer for the New South Wales Rural Fire Service, which is a Commissioner’s appointment, reporting directly in to the Commissioner’s office, and is responsible for leadership of the RFS State Ceremonial Unit. Appointed to this role in 2013, John has attended numerous RFS funerals, notably for the fire fighters and aircrew lost in the 2019/20 bush fires, medal presentations, station openings and memorial services around NSW.
In the last 12 months, John has worked in the community as a member of the Taralga Sub-Branch of the RSL and is integral to the organisation of Anzac Day and Remembrance Day, acting as Master of Ceremonies for both events and as Parade Commander for the Anzac Day march in Taralga.
In April, John along with many other RFS members, received the National Emergency Medal for service during the 19/20 bush fires. In May, John received the Commissioners Commendation for Service, and under John’s stewardship the State Ceremonial Unit, received the Commissioners Citation for Service (Unit).
I nominate John Sullivan for the Citizen of the Year 2023 as his community work is of high calibre and is a person with strong ethics and values. He works tirelessly with passion and with a devotion to people’s wellbeing in the community.
Nomination 2:
After joining State Protocol (now known as the State Ceremonial Unit) in 2012, John Sullivan took command of the unit in 2013. Since then, State Protocol Officer Sullivan has shown exemplary leadership in developing the unit and bringing it to the forefront of the Service.
During the 2019/20 fire season, State Protocol Officer Sullivan regularly attended fires, including the Green Wattle Creek fire, in his capacity as Captain of the Taralga Brigade. His firefighting activities did not prevent him from performing his Protocol duties professionally and compassionately, particularly in response to a number of tragic and distressing events in which NSW RFS volunteers and an American aircrew lost their lives on duty.
State Protocol Officer Sullivan has always been available to both Service members and the families of fallen or injured firefighters whenever needed and has ensured that memorial services and commemorative events are conducted respectfully and with great care.
State Protocol requirements are now more accessible and easily followed, with State Protocol Officer Sullivan producing both a State Protocol manual and a pocketbook-style manual for easy reference.
In total. State Protocol Officer Sullivan has given nine years of volunteer service to the State Ceremonial Unit, eight of those as the State Protocol Officer, travelling across the state to assist with Ceremonial events and duties.
State Protocol Officer Sullivan has also been integral to the organisation of the St Florian’s Day awards and the 2019/20 State Memorial, as well as representing the NSW RFS in coordinating the annual Emergency Services Volunteer Memorial Service and AFAC National Memorial.
State Protocol Officer John Sullivan is a worthy recipient of the Commissioner’s Commendation for Service.
Terry, a retired builder, is an inspiring individual who leads as a role model in the Collector Community. He is selflessly committed to the village of Collector with many years of engagement in various committees, lending his building skills to activities, such as repairs to the heritage-listed Uniting Church and providing both practical and social support to many individuals and families.
Terry is currently a member of the Community Consultative Committee and the Collector Memorial Hall Committee. On the Consultative Committee, he represents the interests of the village, supporting its relationship with the NSW Government, the Upper Lachlan Shire Council and the Ratch wind farm.
Since 2018 Terry has taken on the voluntary role of building project manager at the Collector Memorial Hall, progressing numerous projects through his expertise, hard work and diligence.
He is currently managing and liaising with the builder and contractors engaged as as part of the Bushfire Low Economic Recovery funding to establish the Hall as an Emergency Recovery Centre. He has been critical to contract negotiations and the engagement of the successful building team.
Each year, Terry has given hundreds of hours to project works at the hall, as well as co-ordinating and supervising other volunteers. His expertise and knowledge of required standards and codes ensures that the hall projects meet the required standards.
Terry is humble in all the activities in which he participates. He has been involved in the Oval Committee, the Collector Village Pumpkin Festival Committee, the community Consultative Committee, the Collector memorial Hall Committee and has served several terms as the president of the Collector Community Association.
Terry consistently shows care for every individual with whom he interacts. He is never in a hurry, always has time to listen, deeply, and he responds in practical ways. He can often be seen driving around the village, chatting with elderly residents, checking what is needed and often repairing things for no charge.
Terry is generous with his time and expertise. He has given countless hours to the many groups of which has been/is a member, assisting with projects that enhance the quality of life for the village residents and leaving a legacy for generations to come.
He is a role model for all of us. He has not sat idly by in his retirement years but seeks to make the best use of every moment for the benefit of others. Terry does so, not out of expectation, but in quiet service.
Vicki has lived in Crookwell for 12 years and has been a remarkable volunteer to the organisations that she has so generously given her time to. Vicki is actively involved in the Country Women’s Association, constantly whipping up cakes and biscuits for street stalls and any other CWA functions that require home baking.
Vicki is currently the president of the Friends of the Library, the Publicity Officer of the Crookwell Probus and the Publicity Officer of the Crookwell Hospital Auxiliary.
Vicki’s friendly and smiling face can also be seen at St Vincent de Paul’s where she volunteers fortnightly and any other time they need an extra helping hand.
Vicki is also a highly regarded volunteer with Valmar Community Transport, driving clients to their out-of-town medical appointments since 2017.
Her passion to help others and the empathy that she shows towards the clients that used the service comes from the heart of a caring lady.
Vicki’s flexibility as a volunteer contributes enormously to the smooth and reliable operation of community transport. Her thoughtful and caring nature is recognised by many of Valmar’s clients. Her contribution to the community is invaluable and much appreciated.